
Posted Posted in 卢台长开示来信解答

问:同修想请师父确认以下一段话是否和师父开示相符: 头像很重要,一般人对自己的QQ、微博、博客、微信……头像不是很重视,但是别忘了有形就有灵,不对的头像就会吸引负面的磁场。学佛人不要用不健康的图片,比如衣着暴露的、恐怖的、恶心的等等;也不能用过世明星、伟人的头像。菩萨像不要做头像。建议选择山水、花、天空、大自然等美丽的图案做头像。也不要用自己的照片做头像。 答:这一段话不是师父讲的,但其中好几个观点是师父同意的,他把它串在一起。现在很多人经常把师父的话串在一起,加点“酱油”、加点“醋”、放点“糖”,不知道什么味了。现在告诉他,尽量少用过世人、少用伟人、少用菩萨的,这些是对的。名字要当心,怪怪的名字会引来怪怪的灵性,如果你叫“鬼马”“鬼仔”,你看看有没有鬼到你身上来,这种名字不能叫的。   问:一次可以做5个人的改名升文吗? 答:一个个来,当然可以。 问:不同人之间需要有时间间隔吗? 答:磕头,做完一个磕头21个,然后再做第二个。   问:可以用万字符的香炉吗? 答:最好换掉。这种香炉最好少用。   问:同修梦见台长叫他不需要念礼佛大忏悔文,所以他现在每天功课就没有念礼佛大忏悔文了。请问,是真的不用念了吗? 答:首先要看他梦见的台长是真的还是假的。如果真的台长让他不念礼佛大忏悔文,可能他当时没有业障,也可能是他的小房子跟不上,怕激活。让他折中一点,每天念一遍也好。 问:同修梦见自己说“就算念几万张小房子还是要死”,接着他端了盆水倒在下水道渠里,结果却漏到下面去了。请问,梦境和小房子质量有没有关系? 答:小房子有漏,再明显不过了。   问:同修梦见师父在给佛友开示,师父问台下的人谁有药,做梦人说自己有。请问,梦中的药是不是指小房子? 答:治疗心灵的就是念经。一般药就是讲,有没有做功课?有没有念小房子?有没有对治?学佛人的对治就是念经。 问:今天发现家里的女佣会在我出门后把香炉里点燃的香灭掉。请问这对我有没有影响? 答:要跟女佣讲,这样弄的话,护法神会不开心,第一,她的手不干净;第二,香要自然烧完,不能硬性灭掉。   问:同修在游乐场里工作,为了做宣传,老板发话让每个部门选一个人出来,拍那种海报一样大的照片,拍好后放大,放在游乐场的各个地方,白天晚上都放在那里。同修担心这样对她有没有什么不好?时间长了会不会有灵性上去? 答:如果很多人就没有关系,如果只有她一个人的照片就要当心。   问:如果经营商城商场,里面总会出租给不同行业的,比如电影院、衣服店、卖各类产品的店,也有餐厅,还有卖彩票的……那也算犯了杀业(餐厅)和赌业吗?该如何做? 答:这个没办法,租出去如果没有杀业就好很多,赌业比杀业好一点点,因为赌业是间接“杀人”,杀业是直接“杀人”。 问:如何化解? 答:没什么办法,自己多念经多忏悔。   问:梦见一张小纸条,上面写着一个陌生名字“王xx”,下面是女儿的名字。 答:首先要看这个名字认识不认识,如果不认识的话,有可能是灵性;第二要看他做梦的环境,是暗还是亮。   问:梦见在外婆家,很多乌鸦往屋里飞,然后我就顶着门不让乌鸦往屋里飞。 答:这不好的,家里有很多麻烦,要念消灾吉祥神咒,小房子一般21张。


Posted Posted in 卢台长开示来信解答

问:同修在海外发书度人,有缘人自己拿书走了,同修也没说什么,没做任何解释,这样算度了一个吗? 答:不算是完全度了一个人,只是结了一个善缘。   问:如果念解结咒遍数太多,会让感情里的善缘还没来到而导致感情结束吗? 答:不会的,解结咒就是消除恶缘、巩固善缘的。   问:有一位同修随着修行的时间增加,梦境越来越准,经常做到预示梦,梦见自己的过去、现在,还梦见其他同修的事情,一般就是谁有大劫大难,或吃素不干净,或修偏了等等,90%是真的发生的。后来越来越多的同修知道她的梦很准,都要求她只要梦到就告诉自己。可能是她现在越来越执著自己的梦境,因为太准了。师父上次说马来西亚水灾是有灵界的原因,她就梦见是有蛇精导致的。她哪怕和秘书处师兄打电话也会做到他们的梦。请问,如果以后再做到别人的梦应该怎样对待,要不要告诉对方,会不会动别人很大的因果? 答:叫她注意,再这么下去,时间长了一定会出事的。任何人,自己的根基很重要。如果梦很准,如果觉得自己能怎样怎样,时间长了一定会忘记自己是谁。没有很深的根基的人一定要当心。这样下去觉得自己越来越厉害,大家都求你做梦,时间长了一定会走偏的。最好善意地劝她,不要再去动人因果了。因为任何人,做梦很准,去告诉别人,实际上就是动人因果。 问:师父之前开示过,如果做到别人的梦,可以去提醒,那她这个事情完全不同是吗? 答:要看什么梦的,有些梦可以提醒,有些梦不能提醒。师父看图腾,有些事情讲,有些事情也不敢讲的,我不是所有看到的都告诉你们的,有些事情不能讲的,讲了就动人因果了。 问:那就是让她最好自己知道了就不要去讲了? 答:当然不要讲了。比如我昨天晚上看到一位病危佛友的情况,我就不敢和他们讲,我就让他先去找专家,如果我讲了他们昨晚就无法睡觉了,手术还没动就吓死了,那不就动人因果了?   问:师父曾说过别收藏古董,怕有灵性。那若购买日本30年的二手钢琴,是已被复新过后卖出去的,是属于古董吗?会有灵性吗? 答:任何的古董都会有灵性,但有些古董不一定灵性上去,只是非常容易会招惹灵性。如果感觉有灵性就坚决不要买,回来弹古钢琴声音怪怪的,越弹越吓人。   问:梦见指甲全部脱落是什么意思? 答:指甲代表心,十指连心。梦境说明外围已经伤他的心了,做错很多事情或伤了别人了。如果长好了说明心已经安抚好了,如果还没长好说明心还没安抚好。   问:在梦中台长给同修加持,后来有一个人问同修要4750元钱。请问要念多少张小房子? 答:慢慢念吧,4750张小房子。   问:之前我把一些法会同修分享的视频放在网上。现在有位发言的同修已经往生,是否需要拿下,还是可以继续放在网上? 答:没问题的,帮他放一次,他就有功德多一次。   问:同修63岁,全身浑身疼痛,无法念经,身上一直有一股气在跑。他梦见在下面,有人给他一个白色的盒子,然后自己活过来了。请问梦是什么意思? 答:是在地府的梦,他已经魂下去了。他在梦里活过来,就是说明他已经在地府了,魂已经在下面了,不是好事情,他一定有劫了。小房子念83张。   问:同修昨天和老师、同学一起去看甲骨文和学习,晚上梦到自己给一堆乌龟扒壳,乌龟都是活的,还能动,没有血,也不痛,乌龟身上的皮跟人皮的颜色差不多。请解梦。 答:本来是要延寿的,但是延寿不稳定。梦见乌龟都是延寿,扒壳说明他把乌龟弄死,死又死不了。让他求寿、放生都要严谨一点,不要有漏。   问:同修梦见丢了几万块钱,其中有一些钱知道是谁拿的,就求观世音菩萨保佑能找到,之后就在他们的床下找到一个红包,但是红包被打开了,也很破,里面的钱没有了。梦醒后,同修想起自己装小房子的红袋子上面盖子的折痕处那条线破掉了,和梦中的差不多。之前觉得小房子没有漏出来应该没事。请问梦境是否说明红袋子破了就不能用了,小房子被拿走了? 答:这个就是红袋子破了、小房子被拿走了。就等于皮夹子破了、钱掉了一样。   问:一位同修说,佛父封他为“南无随缘”,有时候叫他“随缘”;观世音菩萨叫他“徒儿”;护法神、灶爷、灶奶叫他“孩子”;还有济公佛、花仙子等都有来过。同修还说从正月初二开始,受佛的开示定点去讲法,并且给他开示说:“随缘你以后只管耕耘,不问收获。传法后信的人开始念经、放生、许愿都一天天好起来了,不信的人相继都受了大劫……”还有开示关于同修弟弟有血光之灾、婆婆有劫…… 答:让他不要去追求这些东西,其实可能不是叫“佛父”,是“伯父”,他可能在梦里没有听清楚。就像很多仙人的孩子一样,大家叫他“孩子”“侄子”……这种关系在天上都有的。我看是仙家,并不是天上的菩萨。


Posted Posted in 卢台长开示来信解答

问:同修的孩子在两眉的中间有一个红色的胎记,比较大,有同修说是“第三只眼”,有同修说会带来不好的运气,同修想问是否可以点掉或点的小一点? 答:千万不要点掉,两眉中间这个地方非常重要,叫印堂。印堂这个地方实际上就是松果体。过去的人有三只眼,中间的眼睛可以看到前世、看到未来,后来随着人类的进化,慢慢地中间这个眼睛就没了,松果体还在。所以你看印度人很喜欢在两眉中点一个红点,没红点都要点一个。不要执著,有这么个点不是坏事,凡是点只要长在中间都是好的,哪怕长在喉咙的中间、肚子上、脐下……这一排,身体任何部位都是好的。   问:同修的弟弟住同修家一个星期,之后就去世了,但去世的时候不是在家中,是在外面自杀去世的。同修请问,他家属于是凶宅吗? 答:一样,因为弟弟的床还是在家里的。现在很多人死在医院里,但他住在这个家里,气场就在家里,以后回来的话当然还是回自己家里,不会去医院的。所以当然是凶宅了,要搬家。至少弟弟给他家里带来了厄运,他来了一个星期之后他家里倒霉的。如果来了一个星期,家里中六合彩了,人家肯定很欢迎他“你再住下来,再住下来……”如果让我去住,他家里保证气场好。你看师父一回来,电台里气场好吧?楼上楼下开心吧?法喜充满吧?气场很重要的。   问:同修现在在新西兰住,她侄子非常喜欢她国内佛台上已经供奉多年的菩萨像,请问如何如理如法将佛像结缘给侄子?需要念777(大悲咒、心经、礼佛大忏悔文各7遍)吗? 答:跟菩萨讲一下,念777。   问:结缘了别人念好的小房子,如果想增强小房子的能量,应该怎么和菩萨求? 答:人家乱念的话,能量增加不起来的。请的小房子一定要质量好,如果质量不好,你有什么能力让它增加能量?你又不是台长。叫他尽量结缘质量好一点儿的。   问:同修要设佛台,没有合适的地方。他在楼顶用彩钢板塑钢材料把平台封成了一个房间,像做了一个阁楼一样的,在这里设置佛台不知可否? 答:一般不是太好,但是如果下面不是空的,下面也是有房子的,就问题不大。(秘书处注:最好是恭敬地供奉在正规的房间里。)   问:同修梦见很多人在看榜,他看见上面有父亲的名字,感觉是工资榜,前面是父亲的名字,后面出现数字“715”。现实中,父亲已经过世多年。同修感觉“715”是七月十五的意思,他想问,是不是要715张小房子? 答:是,赶快念,他爸爸要上去了,到天界做仙人了。这种放榜全部都是天上下来的圣旨,玉皇大帝发的。   问:同修去年开始,每天八点,整个腹部会痛,像要命一样痛,受不了,现在越来越厉害,去医院检查不出任何问题,他许愿了1080张小房子,已经念了700张,还是解决不了问题,请问还需要怎样做? 答:首先问他是上午八点还是晚上八点。晚上八点,鬼闹肠,鬼在他肠子里;早上八点,是债主子,明要。这种痛医院查不出的。让他继续念。   问:梦见家里墓地种的月季开了两朵很漂亮的花。 答:说明超度的亡人很快要走了。   问:以前用的风水摆件怎么处理?比如,五帝钱、十帝钱、八卦镜、罗盘、风水书籍、文昌塔、三足金蝉……都是摆在外面的。 答:全部收掉,否则会惹事。   问:同修让一个熟人帮忙拎钱包时,对方站着把钱包夹在了两腿间。请问,钱包里面的护身符还能用吗? 答:应该没问题。   问:梦里一直想着去结缘两个新的东方台菩萨像。现实中已经有一尊挺大的菩萨像了,梦里也有这个概念,是想要去新结缘两个小的。请问,是什么意思呢? 答:这是好事情。   问:在床上一边念经一边做抬脚运动,这样可以吗? 答:这样非常不恭敬,不宜这样做。还有洗澡、上卫生间不能念经。


Posted Posted in 卢台长开示来信解答

问:师父开过光的物品开始是有檀香味的,后来檀香味变淡了,在能量方面有差别吗? 答:能量不是靠着香味来的。能量是本身的一种光、磁场,不是完全靠香味的。当然菩萨来的时候会有檀香味,但是不要执著于香味。   问:梦见桌上有一盘梅干菜烧肉,我只吃了梅干菜,旁边有人问怎么不吃肉,我说不吃的。请问这样的梦考是否有过呢? 答:这算考过了。梦里知道自己不吃肉就算考过了。吃了肉边菜,没吃肉,也算过了。   问:同修B平常对电子产品比较熟悉,经常会在网上买播放器等。有一天同修A做梦,梦中说,如果B同修把自己平常买播放器的链接介绍给同修们,是敛财。现实中,B同修并不认识网上的商家,自己也是很用心对比了价格之后才从网上购买。请问如果有同修问在哪里买的机器,是不是不能介绍自己平常买的链接给大家呢? 答:不敛财,都可以用;敛财了,不能用。(秘书处注:如果专门在佛友中推广某个厂家是不如法的;而且如果跟这个商家有某种特殊的关系,比如因为介绍很多人而拿到更多利益回报等,就不能在佛友中做任何介绍。如果完全没有任何关系的情况下介绍给一个两个人可以随缘,一定要保证低价。)   问:梦见自己的小房子有一只红笔画的兔子的图案在动。现实中正念着与丈夫化解冤结的小房子,他肖兔。 答:已经收到小房子了。   问:梦到有位孕妇肚子很大了,在跳舞,身体肚子还猛地摔在地上。请问有何含义吗?我本人没有怀孕,几个月前已念过小房子给打胎小孩21张。 答:很麻烦,又掉了一个。   问:在遛狗的时候能念经吗?尤其是在处理完狗狗的粪便之后没条件洗手,可以继续念经吗? 答:一定要净手之后才能念经。心里干净,身体也要干净。遛狗的时候你愿意念经那也很好。(秘书处注:可以带一些湿纸巾擦手。)   问:同修之前请了心灵法门的山水画,放在父母家。后来因为某些原因,叔叔就生气把山水画丢掉了,同修的父亲又去捡了回来。请问山水画能还给佛堂吗? 答:可以,还的时候讲一下,不能再结缘给别人了,就是回归就好了。   问:同修在念经的时候,看见观音菩萨的像掉了一滴眼泪,然后眼睛眨一下。请问,是不是说明同修要出问题? 答:一般都是的,菩萨掉泪说明他会有大灾。师父给别人看图腾,有时候我一看就不讲话了,实际上我心里很痛,知道他活不久了。   问:晚上在念礼佛大忏悔文的时候家里突然停电,一片漆黑。能否继续念完?其他经文能念吗? 答:赶快停下来,不能念,只能赶快念大悲咒。一片漆黑的时候只能念大悲咒。   问:共修会的负责人为义工在共修会运作的时段办生日聚会,请问这样可以吗? 答:不可以这样做。大家是来学佛的,只能说“今天正好是某某某生日,大家为他唱个生日歌……”最多了(注:也不建议专门在共修会这样做),不能专门为某个人来办生日聚会,不能动用所有的学佛人的时间来做这样的事情,会损耗福德的,不可以的。   问:医学上的捐献干细胞,比如别人生了白血病需要,从佛法上讲是否可行? 答:如果你身体很好、很强壮,觉得自己不会生病、各方面都很好,你做善事,也很好。如果自己身体都不好,你捐掉后躺下来了,那捐不捐就是你自己的事情,要量力而为。帮助别人总是好的,但帮助别人让自己受到伤害,那这个帮助就是帮别人背业了。你自己愿意付出多就付出。就如现在有人和师父发愿说要去地狱救人,师父只能成全他,但问题是你下去就被鬼拖下去了。


Posted Posted in 卢台长开示来信解答

编者按:多年来,每周一师父在悉尼观音堂会专门解答东方台秘书处收到的世界佛友来信来电及博客中留言的有关问题。《卢台长开示解答来信疑惑》即是有关开示的文字整理,此前已经陆续刊登四百多期。东方台会继续整理发布师父有关的开示,以飨众生,共沾法益。   问:同修念礼佛大忏悔文中的每位佛号时候,想按照字面的意思去设法想象这位佛的模样、性格,或在给他加持等。比如南无普净佛,就想象这位佛很慈悲很干净会加持我保持思维清净…… 答:不要编,都是不如理不如法的,瞎想。菩萨是他这样想出来的?每尊菩萨在人间成佛都有一段在人间的历史,不是你想出来的。你一想普净佛是什么样子的、在人间什么样,你就可以念了?开什么玩笑。不要举一反三。很多人修偏,这就叫修偏,乱想就修偏了。   问:同修念白话佛法之前,会祈求菩萨见证他现在念白话佛法,请菩萨加持,保佑他读懂白话佛法,吸收正能量,等等等等(此处还有大量语句),每天法喜充满,法喜度人,消除自身的业障…… 答:你让他再多讲一点,他可以把这些话都编成经文,经都不用念了,就讲这些了。话少一点儿,好好念经,开开智慧。不要讲的,菩萨都知道,就像你去学校读书,用不着讲“老师,我开始好好用功读书,我一定好好学习天天向上,我……我……我……”老师说“你就好好做功课不就得了吗?到了学校哪有不上课的?”你是念经的,还要说这么多干吗?愿力是由心发出来的。“愿力”的“愿”怎么写?“原来”的“原”,下面一个心,就是你的本性,是从里面发出来的,所以是“愿”。不是嘴巴讲出来的。   问:同修梦见孙悟空拿着法杖挑开了她和女儿盖的被子(现实生活中是有一床被子掉到了地上),孙悟空来到他的床前说“我教你一个打魔咒”,很简短的一句,但是做梦人没有记住。这时墙上印了一份菜单,都是鸡鸭鱼肉之类的,梦里女儿问她:“妈妈,为什么孙悟空要吃鱼肉啊?”这时候她觉得孙悟空是真的,不是假的。不一会儿来了一位观世音菩萨。梦里觉得是假的菩萨。那菩萨就压着她,让她看着她,做梦人就不肯,也不肯接受她的气场,然后她想合十喊南无观世音菩萨,但是也没有办法合十,就挣扎着往下掉。 答:你们说说看,是真菩萨还是假菩萨?假的。孙悟空也是假的。菩萨是假的,孙悟空会是真的吗?说明有灵性压身。因为她喜欢观世音菩萨,平时说到孙悟空,所以他们就冒充菩萨的形象来了。小房子21张一拨。   问:剖腹产选佛诞日可以吗? 答:如果没有想到佛菩萨相关的事情,自然选这个时间就没关系;如果想到了就不能选这个时间,不然会出事的。任何佛的诞辰日,有两种情况会发生,一种是孩子真的是菩萨下来,会选这种日子;还有一种,菩萨不来,小鬼就来了,恶鬼来了。   问:念经的时候,跳出一个意念:念经的人,在念经时要在裤子外面穿红色的裙子。请问,是不是现实中要照做? 答:裤子外穿红裙子?这种不如理不如法的事情,一听就知道了,不要去相信。   问:小房子上的“遍”写成了“邊”(边的繁体字),还能用吗? 答:“边”,不是“遍”了,那不能用,字都错了。支票上面字写错了,银行收吗?   问:同修的宝宝是素宝宝,现在半岁了,但同修没有母乳了。邻居家有三个月的孩子,他们家不信佛也不吃素,同修的家人跟邻居家要了很多母乳喂孩子。这样孩子是否就不再是素宝宝了? 答:妈妈吃荤,奶水一定是含有荤的东西的,这样就不是素宝宝了。素宝宝就是从妈妈肚子里就很干净。情愿吃奶粉,有的孩子断奶早一点有什么关系?妈妈吃荤的东西,奶水都有腥味的。 问:宝宝吃了对方的母乳会不会承担了一点儿业障? 答:不会,以后不要吃就好了。   问:同修在念七佛灭罪真言的时候,看见自己在一个灰色的空间里,盘腿坐在空中,往下一看,看见自己变成一个很大的圆形,也看不清胳膊,意念里觉得圆形里面是一只猫。这时觉得自己身体没法动,胳膊像不是自己的了,也不害怕。过了两秒钟想吐,身体就恢复活动了。醒过来继续念经,一分钟后这种情况又出现了。 答:下去了,被拖下去了。他是在过关。小房子49张。(注:师父再三开示不宜执著于任何观想或臆想,以免出偏差)   问:同修梦见一个老师在江河里放鱼笼(捕鱼工具),他就过去说,如果时间太久鱼会闷死的。老师就把鱼笼拉出来,看到里面有黑鱼、鲫鱼、黄鳝等,都把头抬得很高看着同修,有点儿缺氧的样子。 答:放生有问题。放生的时候尽量注意不要把鱼闷死,时间不要太长。   问:梦到自己把很多新衣服送给别人,是说我的功德给别人了吗? 答:是真的,把自己的功德给了别人。   问:同修去年10月念了5张小房子给自己的孩子还没烧,之后发生了一些事情导致同修停了所有功课五个月,现在同修重新再做功课,那之前5张小房子还能烧吗? 答:可以。   问:如果亡人已经在西方极乐世界了,我们给他烧小房子,是不是由护法神给转交?对亡人的莲位提升有无作用? 答:到了西方极乐世界已经不需要再烧小房子了,没多大效果了。他们已经是菩萨了,很干净了。

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 3 Chapter 1 | With Equanimity, Cultivate the Field of Merits and Sow Seeds for Karmic Results

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

On the topic of the world’s end: The apocalypse represents a major catastrophe, inevitably destined to occur. When will it happen? We don’t know, as the energy leading to such a catastrophe hasn’t fully developed yet. This suggests that many people are still acting virtuously, engaging in good deeds, cultivating their minds, reciting scriptures, and […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 35 | Elevating Our Spiritual States, Cultivating the Light of Bodhisattvas

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

Today, let me discuss how humans can enter the Form Realm, an important concept in Buddhism. In reality, these are the material changes that occur after reaching a certain level of spiritual cultivation, akin to physical changes in modern terms. Many understand that cultivation involves the use of an energy field, such as in meditation […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 46 | Employing the Power of Wisdom to Recognise False Self-Awareness

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

Wisdom and direct realisation: Wisdom represents a person’s intelligence and energy, and direct realisation lies in how your wisdom and virtuous capabilities confirm the energy of your Buddhist practice. The greater a person’s wisdom, the closer they are to the Bodhisattva. Those who can find solutions and maintain a positive mindset, achieving their goals successfully, […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 45 | No-Thought Signifies Existence of Thought; No Virtue Signifies Existence of Virtue

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

It’s important to understand that thinking “I have merit and virtue” actually means you don’t. When you perform good deeds, in reality, you may not have any merit and virtue. It’s when you believe you lack merit and virtue, that’s when you truly possess it. Being a good person is about not intending to harm […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 44 | Our Mind is Like Water; Our Nature, a Mirror

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

Today, I want to discuss with everyone how to eliminate afflictions. People often have a tendency to desire everything and to take in everything, be it food they crave or objects they wish to possess. This inclination leads to the acceptance of various kinds of afflictions. The habit of taking everything as it comes is […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 43 | Master Jun Hong Lu’s Words of Wisdom

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

Recognise that birth is the beginning of responsibility, and death marks the conclusion of our duties. When we enter this world and eventually depart, we leave with nothing, having fulfilled our tasks. But the crucial question is, have you accomplished these tasks effectively? Have you cultivated yourself well? Wisdom, albeit intangible, can enrich your life. […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 42 | Applying Wisdom and Virtuous Capability to Attain Harmony, Gentleness, and Tranquillity

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

If one fails to cherish life, they are essentially wasting it. The concept is straightforward: failing to appreciate merit and virtue leads to its waste. When you find yourself in need of merit and virtue, it may not be available, similar to how many people lack funds as they do not save over time. Let’s […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 41 | Learn the State of Buddhahood, Appreciate Law of Karma, Attain Emptiness through Letting Go

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

Without fundamental perseverance, a person cannot excel in their Buddhist practice. Wisdom is crucial for discerning the right path and understanding the effectiveness of a Dharma Door. Without wisdom, flitting from one teaching to another, how can one aspire to be a Bodhisattva or even be a good ordinary person? One must adhere to pure […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 40 | Bring Forth the Bodhi Mind and Threefold Mind

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

How does one bring forth the Bodhi mind (Bodhicitta), the mind of enlightenment? Many people know that they should bring forth the Bodhi mind, but how should it be done? Firstly, learn to care for all sentient beings. One should learn to care for every individual. Embrace the concept of “when others drown, I drown,” which means […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 39 | Mastering No-Self, Empowering Self-Confidence

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

Today, I will discuss the importance of reciting Buddhist scriptures with a devoted heart, true faith, and a sincere aspiration. This practice also requires a connection, or an affinity with the Buddha. When reciting scriptures, it’s your own heart that you are engaging. Reciting the Buddha’s name is an act of self-power, serving as a […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 38 | Learn to Cultivate Awareness First: The Key to Appreciating Awakening

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

When a soul enters the human body, the initial awareness it experiences is called the “initial determination”. This is when the Buddha-nature begins to operate. Following this initial awakening – Actualised Enlightenment – there emerges a sequence of external, internal, and intuitive awareness. External awareness refers to one’s perception of the external world; internal awareness […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 37 | Letting Go of Troublesome Thoughts, Finding Perfect Enlightenment

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

“As the sky is subject to unforeseen winds and clouds, so too are people’s fortunes and misfortunes prone to swift and unexpected changes.” In this world, hardships are ever-present in our lives. Yet, those who truly propagate the Buddha-dharma and awaken sentient beings do not merely dress themselves as Bodhisattvas but are real beings of […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 36 | Merging a Heart of Pure Goodness with the Bodhisattva’s Mind

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

Continuing our discussion, when you enter the state of emptiness, I liken it to a white cloud. In its purest form, this cloud symbolises the state of emptiness. Can you feel what it comprises when you touch it? You cannot, but you can see it, just as when we stand atop Mount Lu and a […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 34 | Learning the Bodhisattva Path, Practising the Ten Wholesome Kinds of Actions to Attain Virtuous Outcomes

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

The Second Ground Bodhisattva must steadfastly pursue Buddhahood.  They should take the Buddha’s path as their guiding principle, bringing forth the compassionate vow to awaken and liberate all beings. Essentially, seek Buddhahood above while guiding and awakening living beings below, continuing to benefit both themselves and others through the ten wholesome kinds of actions. I urge you […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 33 | Be Free of Desire and Practise Holy Lifeway, Attain Buddha-Nature

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

Today, I will continue to discuss the Bodhisattva of the Second Ground. Let me first describe the state of the Second Ground Bodhisattva. The Second Ground is also referred to as the Ground of Freedom from Defilement. “It is named the Ground of Freedom from Defilement due to their marvellous cultivation of the Middle Way and […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 32 | Embracing the Tathagata’s Heart, Practising Buddhism to Guide Sentient Beings, Skilfully Contemplating Causes and Conditions

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

Today I will explain the concept of the “Tathāgata Heart”, and the meaning of “True Suchness Buddha”. The Tathāgata Heart is the true heart and mind of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. It contains profound meaning—the Tathāgata Heart is the “true Suchness heart”, the genuine heart and mind of the Suchness Buddha. The Tathāgata Heart represents truth, […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 31 | From Human Form to Emanation Body: Mastering Your Own Soul in the Human Realm

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

The master of the Saha World is essentially a Reward-body Buddha. If you can act as a master in this world, then you are either a Buddha or a Bodhisattva, possessing the ability to control all spiritual and material aspects of this realm. I’ve told you all before, my state of mind doesn’t change based on […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 30 | Gaining True Understanding of the Buddha Dharma, Becoming a Bodhisattva in the Human Realm

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

Anyone who enters the Realms of Form and Formlessness is commonly called a “heavenly immortal”. Their spiritual level is exalted, and their meditative concentration is exceptionally profound. What does it mean to have profound concentration? It refers to their unwavering stability in both sitting and standing. In the Human Realm, a Bodhisattva demonstrates such composure that, […]

Words of Wisdom | Harmonise With Conditions

Posted Posted in Words of Wisdom

Life is impermanent, so learn to harmonise with conditions. Let go of all affinities and you will be free from suffering while attaining happiness. 人生无常,一切随缘。放下万缘,离苦得乐。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 9          

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 29 | Promoting the Dharma, Cultivating Virtue, and Finding Joy in Detachment

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

Today, I want to highlight that using Buddhist terms to criticise those who have reached enlightenment is referred to as “arrogance” (adhimāna) in Buddhism. If someone uses the words of the Bodhisattva to attack an awakened individual while studying the Buddha-dharma, such behaviour is termed as arrogance in Buddhist teachings. Such an individual hasn’t genuinely […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 28 | Let Go of Illusions and Attachments; Cultivate the Wisdom that Leads to Enlightenment

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

If an ordinary person can reach the spiritual state of the First Ground Bodhisattva, they have undergone a qualitative transformation. For example, you are currently following my guidance in learning and practising Buddhism, and if you can meet the conditions of the First Ground Bodhisattva that I have explained to you, then you are a […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 27 | Cultivating the Buddha’s Spiritual State; Learning the Joy of Giving

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

Next, I will unfold and explain to you so that you can clearly understand how to cultivate to reach the Bodhisattva’s realm. You must hold yourselves to the standards of the Bodhisattva’s spiritual state, cultivating enlightenment, and thus attaining the complete realisation of Buddhahood. Firstly, you must “have endurance, the ability to withstand difficulties, and […]

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 2 Chapter 26 | Studying the Bodhisattva’s Realm; Transforming the Ordinary into the Sage

Posted Posted in Master Lu: Buddhism In Plain Terms (Book)

You all know that the wholesome deeds you performed can be transformed into merit and virtue. Let me ask you: For someone with merit and virtue, could their merit and virtue be transformed into wholesome deeds? Yes, it could happen to ordained practitioners. If they choose the monastic life in this lifetime but do not […]