Words of Wisdom | Working Of Karma

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It is no use trying to justify what you have done, as everything is attributed to the working of karma. You will be liberated once you can think straight and free yourself from suffering. Desire is like a rope which ties you up and entangles your mind. You will be truly liberated when you can […]

Words of Wisdom | Repent Sincerely

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You must repent sincerely of whatever wrongdoing you have committed. It is like washing the clothes or cleaning the face. You are clean after you repent. 不管做错什么事,都要好好忏悔, 如同洗衣服、洗脸一样, 洗后就干净了,忏悔后就清净了。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Spiritually Awakened

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Life is like a dream, it is all over when you wake. You will still be in the dream if you have not awakened. For those already spiritually awakened, you have to understand that you are cultivating something that can stay forever in this impermanent world. 人生如梦, 当醒来时梦已结束了, 还未醒来就在梦中, 如果现在醒来要明白是借假修真。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words […]

Words of Wisdom | Man Of Action

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One who does work without telling others is truly a man of action. One who talks but never puts their words into practice is a man of inaction. 做而不说,真做也; 说而不做,非做也。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Ill Luck

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There must be a reason behind one’s ill luck. Ill luck usually befalls someone who is the target of widespread criticism behind their back. 一个人倒楣一定有因, 常被人背后骂一定会倒楣。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Master’s Three Points Of Focus

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Please remember the Master’s three points of focus: First, stay well and safe and you will not be in trouble. Second, happiness lies in being content (set a lower bar for happiness). Third, be earnest in your cultivation and never fall behind. 师父让你们记住三句话: 平平安安就不会惹事; 知足常乐(幸福底线放低一点); 好好修心,不要掉队。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Right Mindfulness

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When you are happy looking at anyone, you are a Bodhisattva. When you find everyone pleasant to look at, you have gained right mindfulness. 看谁都开心,就是菩萨; 看谁都顺眼,就叫正念。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4