Words of Wisdom | Attaining Buddhahood

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Although it is difficult for a novice practitioner to attain Buddhahood, their persistence in practising Buddhism will get them closer to the goal. Their diligence in practising Buddhism will eventually make them a real Buddha! 刚学佛,想成佛——难。坚持学佛,想成佛——近佛。精进学佛,想成佛——真佛!   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 1        

Words of Wisdom | Full Blossom

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“A single flower does not make spring, yet one hundred flowers in full blossom bring spring to the garden.” We should not only engage in self-practice, but also extensively transform other sentient beings. Be one of the hands and eyes of Guan Yin Bodhisattva to liberate people from suffering. Only when we have great compassion […]

Words of Wisdom | A Diversion

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When we succeed, we must not forget our past. When we fail, we must remember there is still tomorrow. When the path leads to nowhere, we can always take another path. We can make a diversion. 成功时不要忘记自己的过去, 失败时也不要忘记我们还有未来, 一条路走不通,我们还会走第二条路, 我们还能拐弯。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 1      

Words of Wisdom | State Of Mind

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Our state of mind determines our destiny. We must approach people with compassion, forgiveness and understanding. If we refuse to forgive, we will end up hurting ourselves. 心态决定人生,心灵要有慈悲心, 要有宽恕心,要能够理解他人。不能够原谅他人的人, 最后伤害的一定是自己。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 1  

Words of Wisdom | Right Mindset

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With the right mindset, you let the Buddha be your guide. With a deviant mindset, you let demons become your guide. The enlightened recognise their true nature, whereas the lost suffer the endless cycle of rebirth. Only when you understand your mind can you see the intrinsic nature. Only when you become enlightened will you […]

Words of Wisdom | Cherish Blessings

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The wise always cherish their blessings. The more they cherish their blessings, the wiser they become.  Bodhisattvas will always be by their side! 惜福者,智者。越来越珍惜福分的人,越来越有智慧; 越来越有智慧的人,菩萨常伴在身边!   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 1  

Words of Wisdom | Let Nature Take Its Course

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Learn to let nature take its course; let all things in life come and go naturally. In this way, we can be free from afflictions. Prajna is the wisdom attained with the mind that is free from ignorance. 一个人要学会自然,一切都自然来自然去,就能断烦恼。破无明的智慧,就是般若。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 1  

Words of Wisdom | Gossip

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Those who cannot stop gossiping about others are already entangled in gossip. They will become the subject of gossip and not get rid of it. 一个人如果整天讲是是非非, 实际上他自身已经被是非所缠绕, 离不开是非。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 1  

Words of Wisdom | Today Is Most Precious

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What we have today is most precious. The past is already gone and the future is yet to come. Therefore, we must seize the present moment, leave the past behind, and look forward to the future. Only then will our hearts be like the ocean vast and boundless. 我们现在拥有的,才是最值得我们珍惜的东西,过去的早已经过去,而未来的还没有得到,所以我们要拥有现在、忘记过去、 展望未来,心才会像大海般的宽广无边。   – Master Jun Hong […]

Words of Wisdom | Life Is Short

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Life is like a journey on a train that will reach its destination soon. It is short and bitter. Hence, we must contemplate our bodies as impure and our thoughts as impermanent. 要明白,人生就像坐火车, 很快就会到终点,生命短暂,人生很苦。要 “观身不净,观心无常”。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 1          

Words of Wisdom | Suffering

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When life gets difficult, keep in mind that we are experiencing the amount of suffering we were destined to go through, therefore transforming our karma for a better future. 人在吃苦的时候, 就是在消孽障,转换业力。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 1  

Words of Wisdom | Reduce Desires

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As Buddhist practitioners, we need to purify our hearts and reduce our desires. The more desires we have, the less likely we are to ever satisfy all our desires. We should learn to be content with what we have, to change ourselves through practising Buddhism, and to learn to ask for nothing. 学佛人要清心寡欲,一个人欲望越多 越不能满足自己的欲望。我们要乐天知命,要透过学佛来改变自己,要学会无所求。   […]

Words of Wisdom | The Moment

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The moment we pick up a book of Dharma and intend to help others, we start to sow the seeds of blessings and good karma. The moment we set our minds to being kind to others, we begin to plant a field of blessings. The moment we receive a Dharma book, we have sown the […]

Words of Wisdom | Our State of Mind Requires Cultivation

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Many people are caught up in the arising and ceasing of their own karmic conditions. Our emotions are controlled by our intelligence, and our intelligence is subject to our state of mind. Our state of mind requires cultivation to develop, just like flowers in a garden require our care to flourish. 多少人活在自己缘生缘灭中, 情绪受控于智商, 智商受控于境界。境界如花朵在花园中一样, 需要浇灌才能茁壮生长。 […]

Words of Wisdom | Accord with Conditions

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Everything ebbs and flows, such is the way of nature. Following the way of nature is according with conditions. Only when conditions arise can we act in accordance with them. 一切自然来,自然去,自然是什么?自然就是缘。有了缘,才能随缘。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 1  

Words of Wisdom | Take refuge in our innate Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha

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We should take refuge in the Triple Gem of our own nature the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha. We take refuge in our innate Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha: to have the Buddha in our minds, to practise the Dharma in our daily life, and to emulate the Sangha by observing the precepts. 人应当自做皈依,皈依自性三宝, 自己皈依自己的佛、法、僧, […]


Posted Posted in About Fengshui and Metaphysics, About Performing Recitation

Wenda20191215 54:09 (Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program) RESOLVING PREDETERMINED CALAMITIES YEARS AHEAD Caller: Master mentioned that we could resolve our predetermined calamities at ages ending with ‘3,6,9’ one year in advance through performing recitations. In that case, what about doing that three years ahead?  For instance, can one do so to resolve his […]