Shuohua20130823 20:17
(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)
Caller: Hi Master, I am confused and would like to ask this question: When I started out performing recitation, I had always recited off a sutra booklet as I had yet to familiarise myself with the Buddhist scriptures. During this period, not only did I receive extraordinary sympathetic resonance frequently, but I also felt touched while reciting the scriptures.
Now that I am able to recite by heart, I chant while walking, in transit or carrying out tasks. As this effort becomes second nature to me since I can recite proficiently, those feelings that I have had in the past are slowly disappearing. I am no longer so touched when I chant. As recitation is a very important daily task, I am worried that it may become a routine which I am insensitive to. I’d like to know if this is an indication that I am deteriorating in my Buddhism practice or is it a natural phenomenon?
Master Jun Hong Lu: This is definitely not a natural phenomenon. Please bear in mind that a wise spiritual cultivator will perform recitation with a heart of gratitude. If you reach a point when you are not even having a heart of gratitude or a heart that wishes to interact with Bodhisattva, you are merely regurgitating what you have learned, don’t you think you are like “the little monks in the temple who recite with their lips, not their heart?”
Do you think your recitation would be of good quality? Do you even think anything good will come out from your recitation? There is a saying, “If you can recite well, you are spouting lotus through your mouth”. Think about it, if your mind is full of distracting thoughts during your recitation, would you be able to spout lotus through your mouth?
Caller: No, Master.
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