Guide to Reciting Little Houses

Little House | XI. FAQ (20)

05/12/2021 |    

20. What should I take note of when reciting Little Houses for others?

  • Help yourself in order to help others. When you recite Little Houses for others, you will have to shoulder some responsibilities. As such, if you do not have sufficient spiritual power, their karmic creditor(s) may come to you instead.
  • Generally, a person is considered to have sufficient spiritual power to help others recite Little Houses when they meet the following criteria:
    • rarely have nightmares;
    • do not feel fatigued or low in energy;
    • have a relatively smooth-sailing life;
    • have good health and a positive mental outlook.


Conversely, if you are prone to:

  • illnesses, nightmares and misfortune;
  • having excessive Yin energy;
  • always feeling cold, etc.,

then it would be best for you to recite Little Houses for yourself first before helping others.

If you are obliged to recite for others, then you must perform more recitations of the Great Compassion Mantra for yourself.

When reciting Little Houses for this purpose, you can fill in the reciter field on the Little House, and leave the recipient field blank. The Little Houses can be accumulated and then given to those in need (This is the recommended method. Note that you do not need to specify whom these Little Houses are addressed to before reciting).

Alternatively, you can also say the following prayer before reciting Little Houses, “May the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva protect and bless me, <your full name>, I will recite <number of> Little Houses for <full name of your relative or friend>. May <Full name of your relative or friend>’s karmic creditor please ask <full name of your relative or friend> for the remaining Little Houses.”

This will help to reduce the chances of the other person’s karmic creditors coming to you. While reciting Little Houses for others, always ensure that you are reciting for your own karmic creditors as well.