Guide to Reciting Little Houses

Little House | IV. Recitation of Little Houses (1)

03/10/2021 |    

1. Prerequisites


• Perform daily recitation before reciting Little Houses

It is compulsory to perform daily recitation before reciting Little Houses. Beginners should start off by reciting the Great Compassion Mantra, the Heart Sutra and the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance in order to establish a solid foundation. This will enhance the power and effectiveness of the Little Houses. Otherwise, the Little Houses will not be as effective.

After completing a few recitations of the Great Compassion Mantra for your daily recitation, you may proceed with the recitation of your Little Houses. However, you should ensure that you complete your daily recitation within the same day. The recitation of Buddhist scriptures contained in a Little House and daily recitation must be performed separately.

Scriptures recited for the daily recitation should not be counted towards the Little House.


• Help yourself before helping others

Recite the Little Houses for your own karmic creditors before considering reciting for others. Otherwise, your karmic creditors can become agitated and you may encounter various obstacles.


• Ensure quality by reciting sincerely and conscientiously

As long as you recite sincerely and conscientiously, Little Houses can help foreign spirits ascend to a higher spiritual realm, dispel calamities, repay karmic debts and eliminate karmic obstacles. You must always ensure that any Little House you recite is of good quality. Otherwise, offering it will result in adverse effects such as worsening health conditions. It may also create negative karma as it is an act of deception toward heaven, the underworld, and foreign spirits.


• Suitable for everyone to recite

The offerings of Little Houses can help to eliminate karmic obstacles, repay karmic debts and dispel calamities. They are suitable for everyone to recite.

You should recite as often and as many as possible, especially if you experience discomfort such as a headache or fever, or if you dream about the deceased, have a miscarriage, suffer from serious illness, encounter calamities or domestic disputes, and so forth.