Master Jun Hong Lu: It is important for us to view our worries and troubles in a different light; we need to make use of them to generate Bodhi that aids in our spiritual cultivation. In this way, your whole being and life is immersed in Bodhi.
A simple example would be, you are an expert in a certain field due to your lifelong experience and being constantly exposed to all kinds of problems related to this particular field of expertise.
As a result, you are able to solve just about any kind of problem that comes your way. Does this not make you a ‘Bodhi expert’ in this particular field? That said, if it’s not for all the ‘love, anger, sorrow and joy’ of this world, how would the Buddha find anything to make reference to when He teaches us the dharma?
Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Buddhism In Plain Terms, Episode 91, 20 June 2020
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