Words of Wisdom


15/05/2024 | Words of Wisdom    
< Words of Wisdom    


Master Jun Hong Lu: Please remember, how do you make it to heaven? Those who manage to make their way up cultivate the Ten Good Deeds. Separately, there are six other methods to liberate oneself from the cycle of rebirth. As long as you can specialise in one of these six methods, you will be liberated from the six realms of rebirth and enter the path of Arhat and Bodhisattva. These six methods are known as the Six Paramitas.

These six perfections progress in stages, that is, practise Giving to reach the other shore, practise Morality to reach the other shore, practise Patience to reach the other shore, practise Diligence to reach the other shore, practise the Power of Concentration to reach the other shore and practise Wisdom to reach the other shore.

Let me give you a tip. If you can practise one of these six methods with all your might, focusing on the one that you excel in, with the condition that you do not make major mistakes for the rest of the methods, with that, very soon, you will “reach the other shore”.

Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Buddhism In Plain Terms (Audio), Episode 21

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