Words of Wisdom | Death

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We are all treading the same path to death, so why are we still nudging each other out of the way? 众生同样都走在死亡之路上, 为什么还要相互挤兑?   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Tolerant

Posted Posted in Words of Wisdom

Any problem can be resolved if you are tolerant, whereas nothing can be resolved if you are intolerant. 人能忍辱,什么问题都能解决; 人不能忍辱,就什么问题都解决不了。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Precept

Posted Posted in Words of Wisdom

To conduct yourself well, you must not violate the bottom line of the law. To practise Buddhism, you must not violate the bottom line of the precept. 做人要守住法律的底线, 学佛要守住戒律的底线。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4