Words of Wisdom | Bodhi

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The more magnanimous you are, the stronger your intuition becomes. Intuition will be transformed into your potential for awakening, which will be transformed into Bodhi. 心量越大的人,灵感越强, 灵感转化为悟性,悟性成就菩提。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Ten feet away from heaven or hell

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Those who endure ten years of suffering in the human realm to eliminate their negative karma are only ten feet away from heaven. Those who indulge themselves in sensual pleasures for ten years are only ten feet away from hell. 在人间吃苦消业十年, 离天上就只有十尺之遥;  在人间享乐挥霍十年, 离地狱就只有十尺之遥。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Performing virtuous deeds

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No matter how much merits and virtues you have accumulated, you still need to continue performing virtuous deeds. It is like washing your face; you still have to wash it every day despite the fact that you washed it in the past. 过去做过再多的功德, 现在要继续做, 如同洗脸, 过去洗得再多, 现在还是要天天洗脸。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Future

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Those who cannot see into their future will not be able to make the most of today. Whether you will succeed in the future depends on today. 看不到将来就把握不好今天, 验证未来的成功要靠今天。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Body, Speech and Mind

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The body, speech and mind are the three steps along the path of cultivation. The first step is to abstain from unwholesome bodily actions. The second is to refrain from creating karma of speech, and the third is to refrain from creating karma of the mind. 身口意是三个步骤。身体不造业是第一步, 口中不造业是第二步, 意念不造业是第三步。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words […]

Words of Wisdom | Spiritual Attainment

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A person who has gained a certain level of spiritual attainment will not tell everybody they have done so; a person who claims to have gained a certain level of spiritual attainment actually has not done so. 真正得道的人,是不会说自己得道的; 自称已经得道了,就不是得道之人。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Awakened

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Those who know are awakened. When someone is fully aware of how causes and conditions work, as well as knowing the law of karma, they are spiritually awakened. 知事者即悟也。一个人知道这个世界上的因缘果报, 就是开悟之人。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Prajna Wisdom

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When we regard our own life as more and more unimportant, and regard compassion as more and more important, we become closer to Prajna wisdom. 把自己的人生看得越来越小, 把慈悲看得越来越大, 就接近了般若智慧。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4