Words of Wisdom | Buddhist Monastics

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Buddhist monks and nuns have no wealth of their own. They cultivate gratitude towards sentient beings by accepting their offerings. 法師沒有自己的財, 通過眾生的供養, 培養自己感恩眾生的心。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2  

Words of Wisdom | Be Filial by taking Ownership for your Karma

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Learn to adjust your mentality and avoid worrying your parents by sharing your stress with them. Practise filial piety by easing their minds and taking responsibility for your own karma and your lives. 学会调节心态,孝敬父母,不能跟父母讲太多有压力的事,要让父母放心,自己业自己背,必须学会自己承担。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2  

Words of Wisdom | Original Aspiration

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We should never forget our original aspiration or our roots. If we lose our ability to become emotional or feel touched, we also lose our ability to be grateful. 人不忘初始心,不能忘本啊!没有激动之心,没有感动的心,就会没有感恩心。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2  

Words of Wisdom | Precepts and Diligence

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We have to be cautious in all of our actions and be diligent in our practice. Being a monk or nun requires observation of precepts, whereas practising Buddhism requires diligence, which eventually leads to the light. 人一生要谨慎,精进,出家就是守戒,学佛就是精进,精进才能走向光明。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2  

Words of Wisdom | Remember Why We Began

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Only those with a solid foundation for Buddhahood will, with the Master’s help, make rapid progress toward that end. It is important to keep in mind why we began our journey, and to extend our gratitude towards Bodhisattvas on a daily basis. 就算师父帮你拨苗助长,你也要有根基啊!每天都要感恩菩萨,学佛初始心很重要。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 2  

Words of Wisdom | Modesty and Boastfulness

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To test how deep the water is, simply throw in a stone. People who brag about themselves are like a stone hitting shallow water; they make a big splash. Modest people are always silent, just like a stone thrown into deep water. 你要知道河水深不深, 丢个石子进去,看看河水深不深。喜欢卖弄的人, 就像石子丢在浅水处,会激起浪花; 谦虚的人, 就像石子丢在深水中,是没有声音的。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of […]