Words of Wisdom | We should associate with worthy friends; the virtuous and the high-minded

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We as Buddhist practitioners should cultivate the right faith and be cautious in making friends. Having too many acquaintances of varied quality may do us more harm than good. We should associate with worthy friends; the virtuous and the high-minded. We should nurture the Buddha nature in our hearts, be connected to positive affinities and […]

Words of Wisdom | Understanding the truth of life

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A truly awakened person readily performs the act of giving. True spiritual awakening is understanding the truth of life. Only after we have nothing will we start having something. When someone has no afflictions, they start gaining wisdom.  真正的开悟是懂得舍得, 真正的开悟是理解。 无是获得有的基础。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 3

Words of Wisdom | Wisdom and afflictions

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A person who is troubled by too many afflictions is devoid of wisdom. A person who is devoid of afflictions is full of wisdom. 一个没有智慧的人,因为他的烦恼太多; 一个没有烦恼的人,他的智慧一定是充裕的。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 3

Words of Wisdom | Tolerance and humility

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A glass of water changes its colour and becomes undrinkable when it is stained by a drop of ink, whereas the ocean remains blue even when a drop of ink dissolves in it. Why is it so? It is because their capacity differs. Wheat spikes grow straight upwards when unripe, but they lower their tips […]

Words of Wisdom | Happiness

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When we realise the true meaning of life, we are able to derive happiness from the minutest of things. When we understand the impermanence of life, we will be appreciative and happy. 人如果懂得生活的真谛, 就可以从一些微小的事情中获得快乐; 理解人生无常,就会珍惜和快乐。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 3

Words of Wisdom | The path of Buddhism

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We can take any road in the world, but never the road to ruin. We can choose any path, but never the one that leads us astray. Despite the many obstacles along the path in life, we must walk uphill with our heads held high. In this way, we are able to steer clear of […]

Words of Wisdom | Smile

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The whole world will smile at you when your heart is peaceful and your mind is clean. When you can smile at yourself, not a single trouble in the world will affect you. When you are sincere to yourself, no one in the world can deceive you. 心平安了,意念干净了, 世界都会对你微笑。 当你对自己微笑的时候, 世界上就没有烦恼能缠住你; 当你对自己非常真诚的时候, 世界上没有人能欺骗你。 – Master […]

Words of Wisdom | Only when we let go can we attain true liberation

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To let go of the self is to clear a mind that is filled with discrimination, sense of right and wrong, gain and loss, and attachment. Letting go is a manifestation of magnanimity, a kind of thorough enlightenment; it reveals our true nature. Only when we let go can we attain true liberation. 放下自己,就是去除心中的分别心、 是非心、得失心、执着心。 […]

Words of Wisdom | Best remedy for spiritual cleansing

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We need to cleanse the body when it is dirty. Similarly, we need to drink plenty of water to cleanse the internal organs when they are dirty. According to the foundational work of Chinese medicine, Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic, water is the best medicine. Consuming plenty of water cleanses our internal body. What is the […]

Words of Wisdom | Anger

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Anger is humankind’s biggest weakness. Do not find excuses to get angry. Anger only begets more anger. Taming our anger is the golden key to our physical and mental well-being.  人最大的缺点就是生气, 不要自己找气生,不生哪来的气? 越生,气越多。不生气 是保持身体健康和心灵健康的金钥匙。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 3

Words of Wisdom | Find ways to repay kindness extended to us

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We as Buddhist practitioners should find ways to repay the kindness extended to us. The more feelings of gratitude we nurture, the less resentment we will harbour in our heart. As time goes by, we will develop long-lasting kindness towards sentient beings with no annoyance or regret. 学佛人要懂得知恩图报。 心有感恩,就会少生怨气,少生瞋恨心, 时间长了会生出善心, 无怨无悔的为了众生恒生善心。 – Master Jun Hong […]

Words of Wisdom | Free ourselves from worries

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Only when we let go of attachment can we let go of the self. Free ourselves from worries. If we are constantly troubled by worries, it must be that we think too highly of ourselves. 放下执着,才能破除我执。 我们做人不能有烦恼, 有烦恼的人一定是把自己 看得太大、太高了。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 3

Words of Wisdom | Doing something for the benefit of others, however minor, is considered kind

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As Buddhist practitioners, we must understand that doing things for ourselves or for our own ends is mean-spirited. Doing something for the benefit of others, however minor, is considered kind. 学佛人一定要懂得,为自己的事情, 为私心的事情,都带着恶意; 为别人的事情, 哪怕就是一点点,都是善良的。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 3

Words of Wisdom | Precepts, concentration, wisdom

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One who observes the precepts and the law will have peace of mind. Only when one attains peace of mind can one attain concentration of mind. This, in turn, gives rise to wisdom. This is the so-called ‘precepts, concentration and wisdom’ in Buddhism. 一个人能持戒守法,心就会安定。 安,尔后才能定。 有定性的人才会生出智慧。 这就是佛法讲的戒定慧。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom […]

Words of Wisdom | Let go of your worries and you can attain spiritual awakening

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Live in accordance with karmic conditions and you will enjoy peace of mind; be happy and you will have no worries. Let go of your worries and you can attain spiritual awakening. Our potential for awakening will bring about liberation. Those who can be happy are awakened and liberated. 要懂得随缘的人才能自在, 开心的人才没有烦恼。 如果能放下心中的烦恼,就是开悟。 悟性就是解脱, 懂得快乐的人就是一个开悟解脱之人。 – […]

Words of Wisdom | Have faith in the Bodhisattva and walk the path of Buddhism with determination

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As long as we have faith in the Bodhisattva and walk the path of Buddhism with determination, though we are far from being perfect or tactful, we are sure to reap benefits from our practice, even if we live in a world fraught with suffering. 我们在苦难丛生的娑婆世界当中, 只要相信菩萨,虽然做不到完美和圆融, 但是只要坚定的学佛, 沿着佛法这条道走下去, 一定能从中受益。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, […]

Words of Wisdom | It is important that Buddhist practitioners erect a wall in their hearts

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It is important that Buddhist practitioners erect a wall in their hearts, just as a computer requires a firewall for protection. No matter where the viruses come from, we are able to ward them off with the wisdom derived from Dharma. 学佛人一定要心中有一堵墙, 就像电脑要有一堵防火墙, 不管来自于哪里的病毒, 我们用佛法的智慧 都能把它挡在人间的烦恼之外。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume […]

Words of Wisdom | The best solution to any problem is to forgive

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Our hands are meant for labour, not to seek material gains. Our brain is meant for contemplating and repenting, not for clinging to attachments. Only when we remain sober-minded and ready to forgive others are we able to make constant progress. The best solution to any problem is to forgive. 手是用来劳动,不是用来索取的; 脑筋是用来思维和忏悔,不是用来偏执的; 让自己头脑清醒,经常原谅别人, 才能让自己不断进步; 解决问题最好的方法,就是原谅别人。 […]

Words of Wisdom | Learn to be grateful by rendering help to others when we receive help from others

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Learn to be grateful by rendering help to others when we receive help from others. Be grateful to nature for nurturing us. Be grateful to our parents for raising us. Be grateful to our fellow Buddhists for their friendship. Be grateful to the Buddha’s teachings for awakening us. 学会感恩, 得到别人的帮助更要帮助别人, 要感恩大自然的付出, 感恩父母的教养, 感恩佛情友情, 感恩佛法让我们开悟。 – […]

Words of Wisdom | It is essential to do good deeds while practising Buddhism

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It is essential to do good deeds while practising Buddhism. If you can lead others to practise Buddhism at no cost to yourself, then you are applying a wonderful method. To be able to help others awaken spiritually and to also allow yourself to introduce Buddhism to more people is wisdom. 学佛必须要行善, 不伤害自己又能度到众生,就是妙法; 能让别人开悟,又能让自己度到更多人, 就是智慧。 […]