Words of Wisdom | Become A Buddha

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One can only become a Buddha when they consider themselves a Buddha. How can one possibly achieve Buddhahood without thinking of themselves as a Buddha?   把自己当成佛,才能成佛。 不把自己当成佛,如何成佛?   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7

Words of Wisdom | Guard Our Inherent Nature

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Precepts give guidance on using rationality to fulfil our potential for enlightenment. Those who abide by the precepts will be respected by others. We must guard our inherent nature.   戒,就是用自己的理性 来完成自己的悟性。 守戒后会被别人尊敬, 要守住自己的本性。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7

Words of Wisdom | The Teachings Of The Buddha

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The teachings of the Buddha are like the ocean; they are vast and boundless. One’s thoughts should not linger in this human realm. When one possesses positive energy, the mind and Dharma become one, and the mind and Buddha also become one. In emptiness there seems to be existence and non existence. When one becomes […]

Words of Wisdom | The Master’s Dharma Joy

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The Master’s Dharma joy comes from seeing his disciples mature and progress. To the disciples, what matters most is their potential for enlightenment and their respect for the teacher and the Buddhist teachings. Do not indulge yourself in worldly enjoyments. Only by elevating your level of spirituality can you be free and let go of […]

Words of Wisdom | Find The Light In Illusion

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Those who practise Buddhism and cultivate their minds must find the light in illusion and use the Dharma wisdom to walk out of the confusion and afflictions of the human realm.   修心学佛要做到,从虚幻中找寻光明, 用佛法的智慧走出人间的困惑和烦恼!   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7

Words of Wisdom | Purity And Kindness

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Buddhists must act in accordance with the purity and kindness inherent in their nature; only then can they earn the compassion and blessings of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.   学佛人要以本性的纯洁善良, 才能赢得佛菩萨的慈悲护佑。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7

Words of Wisdom | Master (Shifu)

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The term ‘Master’ (Shifu in Chinese, consisting of Shi ‘teacher’ and Fu ‘father’) can be construed as representing the role of ‘teacher’ coming first, while that of ‘father’ comes second. A teacher guides and illuminates the road ahead like a light, whereas a father cares for and tends to sentient beings.   关于师父的理解, 师在前,父在后; 师是指导前进道路的明灯, […]

Words of Wisdom | True Buddhas And Bodhisattvas

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True Buddhas and Bodhisattvas do not come to the human realm to be worshipped, but to constantly travel through the world and help sentient beings to awaken spiritually. Simply by observing their fruit of cultivation, it is possible to determine whether a person is a true Buddha or Bodhisattva. 真正的佛菩萨在人间 不是受人家膜拜的, 而是游走人间不停地救度众生。 一个人是不是真正的佛菩萨, 只要看他的果。   […]

Words of Wisdom | Spiritual Awakening

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To understand what one has done wrong is progress; to know that one is wrong and being willing to correct oneself is realisation; to know and accept that one is wrong and to show willingness to change oneself without reservation is spiritual awakening. 自己知道自己的错,叫进步; 自己知道错,并能改正,叫觉悟; 自己知道错,并能打开心扉地 去接受去改变,叫开悟。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of […]

Words of Wisdom | To Use One’s Mind

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Only when a person uses their mind to reflect on their faults and shortcomings can they illuminate the emptiness of the five aggregates, and reform themselves. 用心观照自己的毛病, 才能照见五蕴皆空,才能改毛病。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7

Words of Wisdom | Cultivating The Mind And Virtue

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Cultivating the mind and virtue involves a kind of awakening and realisation.  It is a person’s own nature that awakens them, and their own positive energy that makes them attain realisation. 修心修德就是一个觉悟, 觉是本性,悟是自己的正能量。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7

Words of Wisdom | Wisdom

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Wisdom is the ability to solve any problem, and to calmly go about resolving matters with a sense of humour. 智慧, 就是什么事情都能想办法解决, 幽默平静地去处理。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7

Words of Wisdom | Reflection Of Oneself

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To see a reflection of oneself in another person is wisdom; those who can draw lessons from the experiences of others are wise. 从别人身上看到自己的影子,就是智慧; 从别人身上吸收教训,就是智者。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7

Words of Wisdom | Direct Karmic Retribution

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Remember: When fathers have affairs, their daughters will suffer, and when mothers engage in sexual misconduct, their sons will suffer. This is direct karmic retribution. 大家要记住: 父亲有外遇,女儿就会吃苦; 母亲有邪淫,儿子就会吃苦, 都是直接报应。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7

Words of Wisdom | Compassionate Wisdom

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Those who have truly become Buddhas all possess a high level of spiritual development and a broad, generous and balanced mentality.  They possess compassionate wisdom. 真正成佛的人都是有 高尚的境界、宽广的平衡心态, 能拥有宽容的智慧。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom 7