Words of Wisdom | Clarity and purity of thought

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A wise person has great inner substance. Those who desire wisdom must take a moment to let their mind settle. In doing so, they can attain clarity and purity of thought. 有智慧的人,就会有内涵, 想有智慧就需要沉淀; 沉淀下来才能清净,才能纯洁。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7

Words of Wisdom | Spiritual Awakening

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Actions in accordance with karmic conditions must be based on spiritual awakening. Without true awakening, one is unable to break free from the cycle of rebirth. Only those who can truly act in accordance with karmic conditions can enjoy spiritual awakening.   随缘要以觉悟为基础, 没有真正的觉悟,出离不了六道轮回。 真正的随缘,是享受觉悟的人。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume […]

Words of Wisdom | Happiness Comes After Bitter Suffering

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In life, happiness comes after bitter suffering; karma of actions committed in the past and present causes untold suffering. Only by learning Buddhism can one transform the mortal into the divine.   人的一生苦尽甘来, 过去生中与今生造的业, 让自己吃尽了苦, 学佛后才知转凡成圣。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7

Words of Wisdom | Frequently Praise Others

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One must cultivate themselves constantly; only then can they smoothly sail through when the time of reckoning arrives. One has succeeded in cultivating the karma of speech when they frequently praise others.   一个人要平时不断地修,到时才能顺理成章。 修口业修到能经常口吐莲花的人,就成功了。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7

Words of Wisdom | To Correct Weaknesses Is Painful

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To correct weaknesses is painful, and to cultivate the mind is difficult. As one lives, one must work to be a Bodhisattva and help sentient beings to become spiritually awakened.    改毛病是痛苦的,修心是艰难的, 活着就是要做菩萨,活着就要度众生。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7

Words of Wisdom | The Six Paths To Buddhahood

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Practising Buddhism and achieving Buddhahood requires cultivating the six Paramitas, which are the six paths to Buddhahood. Those who are able to continuously practise one Paramita well will be able to ascend to heaven, while those who can practise three Paramitas well will be able to become a Bodhisattva.   学佛、成佛要修六波罗蜜, 它是六条成佛的大道, 能一如继往地 做好一个波罗蜜就能上天, 做到三个波罗蜜就能成菩萨。 […]

Words of Wisdom | Vajra Bodhisattva

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If a Buddhist’s compassion is like water and their inner wisdom is like steel, strong as a boulder, they are a Vajra Bodhisattva. 学佛人要慈爱如水, 心智如刚,坚如磐石, 就是金刚菩萨。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7

Words of Wisdom | Sudden Enlightenment

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Life is there for us to obtain understanding, to comprehend, and to realise greater insights. If understanding occurs quickly, it becomes sudden enlightenment, while if it occurs too slowly, errors will ensue.   人生要理解,要明白,要多感悟。 理解快,就成顿悟; 理解慢,就会失误。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7

Words of Wisdom | To Live In The Present

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Everything in the human realm is impermanent and we must not try to hold onto such things. Everything will pass and disappear into memories. To make the most of today is to live in the present.   人间一切无常不可留恋, 一切都会过去,都会消失在记忆当中, 把握今天才能活在当下!   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7

Words of Wisdom | To Attain All Six Paramitas

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Those who aim to achieve enlightenment in one lifetime must first be diligent and strive to attain all six Paramitas. If they are not diligent, they cannot possibly practise all six Paramitas; thus, they are essentially making false speech.   一世修成的人,首先要精进, 六波罗蜜都要有。 如果不精进,根本不能行六度, 就是在打妄语。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7