Words of Wisdom | One Must Practise Kindness

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When seeing anything, one needs to help others; when hearing anything, one must benefit others; when considering anything, one must practise kindness.  This is how people can make progress.   看一眼,要帮助别人; 听一句,要能利益别人; 想一个问题,要善良,才能进步。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7

Words of Wisdom | To Be Awakened

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To be awakened is to spare no effort to perform meritorious and virtuous deeds without being supervised, directed or compelled. Those who are not awakened are generally of inferior quality.    觉悟是自己想尽办法来做功德, 不是被人看着、管着、逼着。 如果不觉悟的人,素质就会很差。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7

Words of Wisdom | The Buddha Is The Awakened One

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In the current era, learning Buddhism depends on the awakening of the self. The Buddha is the awakened one, an awakened sentient being. How can a practitioner transcend the six realms of existence if they fail to be self awakened? Only by attaining spiritual transcendence can the mortal be transformed into the divine.     现在学佛靠自觉, […]

Words of Wisdom | Freedom Has Boundaries

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Freedom has boundaries; only when it is based on a foundation of spiritual awakening can one enjoy a true sense of freedom and the beauty of nature. 自由是有界限的, 是在觉悟的基础上, 才能享受到自由的心态 及美好的大自然。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7

Words of Wisdom | Clarity And Purity Of Thought

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A wise person has great inner substance.  Those who desire wisdom must take a moment to let their mind settle.  In doing so, they can attain clarity and purity of thought.   有智慧的人,就会有内涵, 想有智慧就需要沉淀; 沉淀下来才能清净,才能纯洁。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7

Words of Wisdom | Cause and Effect

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Cause and effect is something quite terrifying. The cause is like a fuse, and the effect is like a landmine. As soon as you touch the cause, you trigger the effect. 因果是一个非常可怕的东西。因像导火线,果像是地雷。一碰因,果就炸。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 9    

Words of Wisdom | Repentance

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Life is indeed impermanent. Regret cannot bring back the past. It is only by repentance that we may regain lost years. 人生真的无常, 后悔不能买来过去时光, 忏悔才能换回失去的年华。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 9    

Words of Wisdom | Right Thinking Is More Reliable Than Sentiment.

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Right thinking is more reliable than sentiment. One who lives for the well-being of others is someone who has passion for life. One who is compassionate, always ready to help and to awaken others spiritually is truly an enlightened individual. They will live a life full of blessings.   正確的思維比感情更可靠。 為別人的幸福而活著的人, 一定是熱愛生命的人; 一個有慈悲心、能夠幫助別人、 救度眾生的人,是一個開悟的人, 一定是一個活得非常幸福的人。 […]

Words of Wisdom | Happiness Lies In Appreciating Those Who Are Kind To Us

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Happiness lies in appreciating those who are kind to us. Acknowledging the strengths of others warms our hearts, whereas finding faults with others serves only to bring more afflictions upon ourselves. Appreciating the strengths of others and looking beyond their weaknesses brings forth the light in our hearts.   常常記住別人對你好,你會很快樂。 承認別人的優點,會讓自己覺得溫暖; 盯住別人的缺點,會讓自己心中充滿煩惱。 看到別人優點,少看別人缺點, 心中才會越來越光明。   […]

Words of Wisdom | Dharma Enables Us To Break Free From Delusion And Attain Enlightenment

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The Dharma enables us to break free from delusion and attain enlightenment. It guides us toward a non- antagonistic approach to life, and leads to the cultivation of a noble character.   佛法讓我們破迷開悟, 佛法讓我們擁有不爭不鬥的心理素質, 是培養人類良好性格的開始。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 3

Words of Wisdom | Practise Buddhism Able To Free Of Afflictions And Attain Liberation

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Only when we understand the law of cause and effect, and the workings of causes and conditions, are we able to live a life of contentment. Only when we practise Buddhism and rid ourselves of karmic obstacles are we able to be free of afflictions and attain liberation.   懂因果、知因緣, 才能知足常樂; 學佛法、消業障, 才能去除煩惱,獲得解脫。   – […]

Words of Wisdom | Learn To Cherish

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People will only truly appreciate the meaning of cherishing after they lose something. If you do not want to lose, you must learn to cherish what you have. “珍惜”有个理解词称为“失去”。 不想失去就要学会珍惜。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 9    

Words of Wisdom | Dimension of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas

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What humans think is the opposite of what Buddhas think. The earth itself has a centripetal force; the people on the planet do not exist in the same dimension as Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.  人间的意念就是反思维。 因为地球本身有向心力, 地球之人和佛菩萨不是在一个维次空间生存的。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 9