Words of Wisdom | Loving kindness, compassion, empathetic joy and equanimity

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When learning Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s loving kindness, compassion, empathetic joy and equanimity, one must learn them fully; only then can they be practised to perfection, and only then will one not be contaminated. When perfection is attained, attachments will not arise. 学观世音菩萨的慈悲喜舍 要学到具足,才能圆融, 才不会被染着; 有了圆融,才不会执着。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7

Words of Wisdom | Positive energy

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If one wishes to illuminate others, they must have positive energy. It is important to regularly recharge oneself, because energy is like a battery-operated torch; every time it is used, its power diminishes. 想要照亮别人一定要正能量, 要保持自己的能量,时常充电, 因为人的能量, 犹如手电筒里的电量一样, 照一次少一次。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7

Words of Wisdom | Do not care too much about what others feel

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Do not care too much about what others feel, nor be concerned about what others think of you. If you are too fixated on these things, you will not be able to ascend beyond the Three Realms of Existence or transcend the Five Elements. 不要太注重别人的感觉, 不要把他人对你的看法挂在心上, 太罣礙了就跳不出三界,修不出五行。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom […]

Words of Wisdom | Sentient Beings

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One must regard the help of sentient beings as compassion, the criticism of sentient beings as motivation, and the strictness of sentient beings as a contributory factor to one’s betterment. 视众生的帮助为慈悲, 视众生的指责为动力, 视众生的严苛为增上缘。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7

Words of Wisdom | Learn to nurture our bodies and mind

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People must learn to nurture and regulate their bodies and minds; any wandering thought comes from attachment or a deviation from spiritual practice. Such an attachment or deviation demonstrates that one has not awoken to the Bodhisattva’s fundamental enlightenment. 学会调养身心, 任何的杂念都是修心中的执着偏差。 有了这种执着偏差, 就是对菩萨的根本悟还未开启。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7

Words of Wisdom | To change is the only path forward

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Those who know the purpose of life are admirable; those who do not will not be respected. To change is the only path forward. Only when one understands nature can they live with ease. 有觉悟叫潇洒,没觉悟叫傻笑。 改变是唯一的一条路, 了解自然,才能自在生活。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7

Words of Wisdom | Acting in accordance with karmic conditions

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Acting in accordance with karmic conditions is wisdom; it is the spiritual foundation. One is free if they understand what is meant by acting in accordance with karmic conditions, otherwise they are fettered by attachments.  随缘是智慧,随缘是根基, 想通了随缘叫自由; 想不通随缘叫执着。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7

Words of Wisdom | Buddhist monastics

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Buddhist monastics are role models, and the Buddha Dharma is power. One must have an open and upright character to possess a luminous mind. 僧人就是榜样,佛法就是力量, 一个人活在阳光之上,才能光明磊落。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7

Words of Wisdom | Only through self-awakening can one arrive at self-realisation

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Only through self-awakening can one arrive at self-realisation. We must first perceive that we are becoming awakened before we can have the potential for enlightenment, which will eventually lead to the realisation that even our eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind are empty by nature. 自觉才能自悟, 要自己先觉得开悟,才会有悟性, 悟性到最后连眼耳鼻舌身意都是虚空。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words […]

Words of Wisdom | Open your mind and heart

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Open your minds and hearts, do not close them. Accept all karmic retributions that come from society, energy, spiritual life, and everything that we have done.  心灵必须开放,不能关闭, 要接受社会、能量、慧命, 及自己所做的一切因果报应。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7

Words of Wisdom | Eliminate the notion of self

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Those who cling to a false sense of pride are obsessed; they are caught up in the idea of ‘self ’. No one can cultivate themselves effectively if they are self-centred. Only by completely eliminating the notion of self and knowing that nothing exists can one let go of attachments. 死要面子就是执着,就是有我相, 只要以我为中心,肯定修不好。 只有去除我相,一切都不存在, 才能放下执着。 – […]

Words of Wisdom | Learn From Bodhisattvas

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In the Age of Dharma Decline, all people are becoming selfish and unable to tolerate others.  Only Bodhisattvas are able to tolerate us, and so we must learn from them.   末法时期每个人都自私, 不能容忍别人, 只有菩萨能容忍我们, 所以我们一定要好好学菩萨。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7

Words of Wisdom | Constantly Perform Good Deeds

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In the Age of Dharma Decline, the elements of the social fabric are changing, and no family is happy.  Negative affinities abound, while positive affinities are few.  People must constantly perform good deeds to become kind and improve themselves.   末法时期,分子结构发生着变化, 没有一个家庭是幸福的, 恶缘太多,善缘就少。 常行善,得改善。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7

Words of Wisdom | Obtain Salvation

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Obtain salvation from your past through repentance, obtain salvation in your present through practising vegetarianism, and obtain salvation for your future through performing recitations.   忏悔救度自己的过去, 吃素救度自己的现在, 念经救度自己的未来。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7

Words of Wisdom | Guard Against Obsession

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When practising Buddhism, one must guard against obsession. When reciting Buddhist scriptures, one must not fall asleep. It is important to be neither arrogant, nor overly humble; to live life and cultivate the mind in accordance with karmic conditions, and to act in accordance with karmic conditions in all matters. With regard to the notion […]

Words of Wisdom | Let Go Of Unending Wandering Thoughts

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Our hearts must be as bright as the sun and as clean as water. We must see through the impermanence of life, let go of unending wandering thoughts, and progress with consistent diligence and determination so we can always be young at heart.   心如太阳灿烂,心如水一样干净, 人生无常要看破,杂念不断要放下, 精进努力不放松,常做人间不老翁。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of […]

Words of Wisdom | Expedient And Wondrous Measure

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Those who are unable to liberate themselves from their afflictions are not fully awakened. Any solution that one can think of to achieve liberation should be regarded as an expedient and wondrous measure.    不能解脱自己,就是觉悟不够; 想出各种方法来解脱,就是妙法。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7

Words of Wisdom | Looking At Your Life With A Smile

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For all matters in this world, it is important to smile when one understands them. This is called ‘looking at your life with a smile’. If one cannot comprehend things, they will feel troubled and worried.  This is called ‘affliction with no end’. 世界上任何事情, 看懂了就笑了,叫笑看人生; 看不懂就烦了,叫烦恼不断。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom […]