Words of Wisdom | Wisest, Strongest, Richest

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Wisest are those who are good at discovering the strengths of others. Strongest are those who are good at controlling themselves. Richest are those who are aware of their fortune, are content with it, give their wealth to help others, and live a fulfilling and happy life. 善于学习他人之长处的人,最有智慧。 善于自己控制自己的人,最强大。 能深悉自己拥有的财富者, 知足者,并能将财物施予和帮助别人, 会让自己过好每一天, 精神愉快的人,是最富有的人。 – Master […]

Words of Wisdom | Cherish today

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Cherish what you have now and tame your sensual desires. Tomorrow belongs to those who cherish today. 珍惜现在所拥有的,不要把欲望看得太重, 能够拥有今天的人才能拥有明天。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 3

Words of Wisdom | A conqueror

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A conqueror, in the true sense of the word, is not one who is courageous in conquering a storm, but one who is skilful in steering clear of a storm. 真正的驾驭高手,不是勇敢地去征服风暴,而是机智巧妙地去避开风暴。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 3

Words of Wisdom | Regrets

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We will have no regrets if we always consult our inherent nature and true self before acting, uttering a word or conceiving a thought. 在一个行动要做出来、在一句话要出口、 在一个思维要形成之前, 问一问自己的本性和自性再去做, 就不会后悔了。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 3

Words of Wisdom | Honesty

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Buddhist practitioners must be honest. If one fails to meet the most basic requirement of being honest, then they will gradually deviate from Buddhist teachings. 学佛人必须要诚实,如果连诚实都做不到,就慢慢离开了佛法。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 3

Words of Wisdom | It Is No Use Speaking With Hindsight Or Feeling Regret

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It is no use speaking with hindsight or feeling regret.
 We Buddhist practitioners must come to terms with reality and discover our own flaws and shortcomings by reflecting on those of others;
 Understand the workings of karma, and emulate Bodhisattvas who fear causes, but not sentient beings who fear consequences.   千金難買早知道, 萬金難買後悔藥, 學佛人要接受現實, 從別人身上看到自己的缺點和不足, […]

Words of Wisdom | Look At The World From A Different Perspective

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Look at the world from a different perspective, and we will find the world appears vast while man appears small.
 When we put ourselves in other people’s shoes, we will come to realise that all living beings possess an innate Buddha nature.   換個角度看世界, 這個世界很大, 人顯得非常渺小; 要換位思考與朋友的關係, 就會覺得眾生皆具佛性。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words […]

Words of Wisdom | Cherish All Kinds Of Affinities

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We should cherish all kinds of affinities in our journey through life, be it positive or negative.
 Only when we have insight into the workings of karmic affinities can we act in accordance with karmic conditions.   要珍惜人生旅途中的善惡因緣, 學佛人要將人生中的緣分看穿, 才能隨緣。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 3

Words of Wisdom | Spiritual Level Of The Buddha

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Life is a process of cultivating the mind. It is also a process of refining one’s spirituality. Take control of your mental state so that you may become a Saint or a Buddha. Develop your wisdom to adapt to the spiritual level of the Buddha. 人生是一个修心的过程。 也是一个历练精神的过程。 控制好自己的精神状态, 才能成圣成佛, 创造自己的智慧去适应属佛的境界。   Master Jun Hong Lu, […]

Words of Wisdom | Overcome Afflictions, Jealousy And Greed

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Stand on high ground, so you can look far over the world. Let go of hindrances in your heart, so you can overcome afflictions, jealousy and greed, which are characteristics of a lesser self. Treat all beings as brothers and sisters, so you can transcend the affection and love of the human world. 站在高处,才能放眼全球; 心中无碍,才能舍弃 […]

Words of Wisdom | Maintaining Innate Nature

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Happiness is inherent in our nature, but we often compromise it with desires. Only by maintaining innate nature can the desires be driven away. 快乐是人的本性,但欲望欺侮了它。 只有将本性保持,欲望才会离开它。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 9