Words of Wisdom | People with wisdom

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People with wisdom never engage in petty calculations or keep others’ faults at heart. Instead, they will carry only kindness within them, emanating the light of compassion. 有智慧的人,永远不斤斤计较, 永远不把别人的坏记在心中; 他只会把善良放在心中,释放慈悲光芒。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 6

Words of Wisdom | Adversity

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If you are stronger than adversity, you defeat adversity. If adversity is stronger than you, you are defeated by it. 你比苦强,就战胜了苦; 苦比你强,苦就欺负你。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 6

Words of Wisdom | Work for the benefit of ourselves as well as others

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Cultivation depends entirely on ourselves. We must not blame others. Instead, we must work for the benefit of ourselves as well as others, and to discipline ourselves as well as others. Only then can our hearts become increasingly compassionate. 修行全部靠自己,不能去怪别人, 要自利利他、自律律他, 心才会变得越来越慈悲。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 6

Words of Wisdom | Guan Yin Bodhisattva

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Those who follow Guan Yin Bodhisattva will ascend upwards every day. Those who indulge in unwholesome thoughts and in benefitting only themselves will descend downwards. 跟着观世音菩萨天天向上走; 跟着私心杂念天天往下走。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 6

Words of Wisdom | Buddhist Altar

Posted Posted in About Buddhist Altar, Words of Wisdom

The Buddhist altar consists of all Five Elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth. Bodhisattvas represent the gold, flowers grow in the earth, the incense is the wood, water is contained in the offering of water, and the oil lamp represents fire. The Five Elements work together to bring good fortune to one’s home. […]

Words of Wisdom | Dharma Joy

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As long as the mind is filled with positive energy, one will experience the joy of Dharma every day. Wherever Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s light shines, all will be illuminated every day. It all depends on whether you can receive it. It is very important to skilfully control your mental state; keep the sun in your […]

Words of Wisdom | Time

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One’s life depends on the continuation of time; to waste time is to waste one’s life. 生命是靠时间来延续的, 浪费时间等于浪费生命。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 6

Words of Wisdom | Be Compassionate

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Be compassionate and free yourself from worries about others; forget about yourself and you will reach the selfless level of spirituality. 慈悲解脱对他人的烦恼, 忘记自己达到无私的境界。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 6 s,

Words of Wisdom | Let go of hatred

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Let go of hatred and nurture a compassionate heart; let go of slothfulness and nurture a diligent mind. One who lets go of mental hindrances will attain the Prajna wisdom of Bodhisattvas. 放下瞋恨心,培养慈悲心; 放下放逸心,培养精进心; 放下意识障碍,拥有菩萨般若智慧。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 6

Words of Wisdom | Medals

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Academic qualifications are like a bronze medal; capability is like a silver medal; popularity is like a gold medal; one’s thoughts are the king of all medals. 学历是铜牌, 能力是银牌, 人脉是金牌, 思维是王牌。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 6

Words of Wisdom | The Buddha

Posted Posted in Words of Wisdom

If you seek the Buddha outside of your mind, you won’t find the Buddha. When you know everything is illusory and are able to steer clear of it, you will find the Buddha. If you can’t see the nature of the mind and matter, you won’t find the Buddha. This very mind and the condition […]

Words of Wisdom | Three stages of self discipline

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A sage should observe three stages of self-discipline. In youth, his physical capability is not fully settled and he should guard against lust. In his prime when his physical capability is solid, he should guard against contention. In old age his physical capability is declining, he should guard against greed. 圣人学会三戒: 少之时,血气初定,戒之在色; 壮年也,血气方刚,戒之在争; 其老也,血气渐衰,戒之在得。 – […]