Words of Wisdom | Chang Bu Qing Bodhisattva (who never underestimates sentient beings)

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We must learn from Chang Bu Qing Bodhisattva (who never underestimates sentient beings). Buddhists must not look down on anyone. As all sentient beings are Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, we must respect them. 我们要学习常不轻菩萨: 学佛人不能轻视任何人, 一切众生都是佛,都是菩萨,都要恭敬。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 6

Words of Wisdom | Change your destiny

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If you wish to change your destiny, you must have knowledge, learn to be content, minimise your worldly desires, and use the environment to toughen yourself. 想改变命运: 要懂知识,要知足常乐减少欲望, 要用环境锻炼自己。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 6

Words of Wisdom | The Master

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The Master is an alarm clock that wakes you up; the Master is a fan that cools and calms you down; the Master is an electric light that illuminates your path ahead; the Master uses the water of compassion to nourish your mind. 师父是一个闹钟,叫醒你们; 师父是一个电风扇,让你们冷静; 师父是一个电灯,照亮你们的前程; 师父,用慈悲之水,滋润你们的心田。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom […]

Words of Wisdom | With a pure mind we will possess infinite strength and power

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In cultivation, we must cultivate from within and possess integrity. If our inner minds are calm and we have a clear conscience, limitless power will arise in our minds, because with a pure mind we will possess infinite strength and power. 修心要修内心、有道德、 内心平静、没有对不起的人, 心中会升起无限的能量, 因为心中干净,就会充满无限力量和能量。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 6

Words of Wisdom | Practice Buddhism in the human realm

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Practising Buddhism is about how to conduct oneself. It is far from easy to practise Buddhism in the human realm. If you are too strict, you tend to lack compassion. If you are too compassionate, you are easily hurt. 学佛就是做人,在人间学佛真的不容易。 人太严厉,没有慈悲心; 太慈悲了,容易受伤害。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 6

Words of Wisdom | Awakening

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When it comes to cultivating the mind, what we cultivate is a kind of awakening. This awakening is our innate nature; we need to learn to realise our positive energy.  修心修的就是一个觉, 觉是本性,悟出自己的正能量。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 6

Words of Wisdom | Being civilised

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Being civilised is about attaining Buddha’s level of spirituality by cultivation, and nurturing and compassion. It involves correcting mistakes and developing the Buddha nature. 修养就是修出佛的境界,养出慈悲心; 修正错误,养成佛性。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 6

Words of Wisdom | Human realm

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If you think every day of the heavens while in the human realm, you are successful. If you think only of human matters, you will degenerate and stoop to the level of greed, hatred and ignorance. The more you think of these unwholesome things, the more ignorant you will be. 每天在人间, 脑子里要想着天上的事你就成功了。 想着人间的事, 就会堕落,就会贪瞋痴,越想越愚痴。 – […]

Words of Wisdom | Blessings

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You will use less of your blessings if you bother other people less and try your best to do things yourself. 少麻烦别人,少消福报, 能自己做的一定要自己做。 – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 6