Words of Wisdom | Love

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One who is bereft of love in their heart will certainly give insufficient affection and love to others, for their kind of love is selfish. 没有太多爱的人,他也一定不会太多付出感情去爱别人,因为他的爱太自私。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 9

Words of Wisdom | Gained Wisdom

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Those who have no wisdom will have worries. Those who have gained wisdom will be able to let go and have no worries. 没有智慧的人,才有罣礙。 拥有智慧了,放下了,就是没有罣礙。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | The Path To Buddhahood

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The path to Buddhahood is formidable. It takes constant diligence and relentless self-restraint to forge ahead step by step. 成佛的路很难, 只有靠自己精进的努力 和顽强的克制中一步步前进。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Sensual Desires And Mundane Affairs

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As long as you are concerned about interpersonal conflicts, you remain in the human realm. For those who want to become a Bodhisattva, you must free yourself from all sensual desires and mundane affairs. 只要顾及到人我是非,就是在人间; 想做菩萨,一定要脱离人间的五欲六尘。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Be Free Of Negative Karma

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Along the path of practising Buddhism and cultivating our minds, the most difficult job is to eliminate negative karma. Only when we are clean and pure can we practise Buddhism well and be free of negative karma. 学佛修心消业最难, 只有干净,才能学好佛、消业净。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Helping Others Is To Help Ourselves

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We must learn to help others achieve their goals. Helping others to receive blessings is to help ourselves accrue merits. Helping others to acquire merits is to help ourselves accrue blessings. 一定要学会成全别人, 成全别人的福分,就是成全自己的功德; 成全别人的功德,就是成全自己的福德。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | A Man Of Integrity

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A man of integrity would not yield to the temptations of money or lust. To forge iron, one must be strong; it takes a tough person to be moulded into someone morally upright in character. 有骨气的人, 在钱财、男女之色面前不动心, 就是打铁还靠自身硬。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4