Words of Wisdom | Spiritual Level Of The Buddha

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Life is a process of cultivating the mind. It is also a process of refining one’s spirituality. Take control of your mental state so that you may become a Saint or a Buddha. Develop your wisdom to adapt to the spiritual level of the Buddha. 人生是一个修心的过程。 也是一个历练精神的过程。 控制好自己的精神状态, 才能成圣成佛, 创造自己的智慧去适应属佛的境界。   Master Jun Hong Lu, […]

Words of Wisdom | Overcome Afflictions, Jealousy And Greed

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Stand on high ground, so you can look far over the world. Let go of hindrances in your heart, so you can overcome afflictions, jealousy and greed, which are characteristics of a lesser self. Treat all beings as brothers and sisters, so you can transcend the affection and love of the human world. 站在高处,才能放眼全球; 心中无碍,才能舍弃 […]

Words of Wisdom | Maintaining Innate Nature

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Happiness is inherent in our nature, but we often compromise it with desires. Only by maintaining innate nature can the desires be driven away. 快乐是人的本性,但欲望欺侮了它。 只有将本性保持,欲望才会离开它。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 9

Words of Wisdom | Attachment To Self And Form

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Form or formlessness cannot be separated from the notion of a form. Only by completely eliminating our attachment to self can the form disappear amidst formlessness. 有形无形均在形中, 只有彻底破除我执, 才能使有形消失在无形中。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 9

Words of Wisdom | Changing Destiny

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One must learn to be steadfast. As Buddhist practitioners, our determination is as strong and steady as a rock, and our compassion as gentle and meek as water. Learn to walk the middle way, as it is how our destiny can be changed. 人要学会坚强,学佛人心如金刚, 佛情似水,学会中庸,命运改变。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 9 […]

Words of Wisdom | Cause and Effect

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Cause and effect is something quite terrifying. The cause is like a fuse, and the effect is like a landmine. As soon as you touch the cause, you trigger the effect. 因果是一个非常可怕的东西。因像导火线,果像是地雷。一碰因,果就炸。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 9    

Words of Wisdom | Repentance

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Life is indeed impermanent. Regret cannot bring back the past. It is only by repentance that we may regain lost years. 人生真的无常, 后悔不能买来过去时光, 忏悔才能换回失去的年华。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 9    

Words of Wisdom | Learn To Cherish

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People will only truly appreciate the meaning of cherishing after they lose something. If you do not want to lose, you must learn to cherish what you have. “珍惜”有个理解词称为“失去”。 不想失去就要学会珍惜。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 9    

Words of Wisdom | Dimension of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas

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What humans think is the opposite of what Buddhas think. The earth itself has a centripetal force; the people on the planet do not exist in the same dimension as Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.  人间的意念就是反思维。 因为地球本身有向心力, 地球之人和佛菩萨不是在一个维次空间生存的。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 9