Words of Wisdom | Propagating The Dharma

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Propagating the Dharma is the way; cultivating the mind is a virtue. Buddhist practitioners who uphold moral values are cultivating virtues in the process of propagating the Dharma. 弘法是道,修心是德。 有道德的修心人, 已经在弘法中修德。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 9    

Words of Wisdom | Beginning Of Awakening

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Observing the precepts is about protecting yourself and taking care of your wisdom-life. When one attains insight in the process of practising Buddhism, this is the beginning of awakening. 保护自己,爱护慧命,就是守戒。 学佛中有一些感悟, 是人生觉醒的开始。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 9

Words of Wisdom | Changing Your State Of Mind

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By changing your temperament, you are changing your state of mind. Treat diligence as your normal mentality, observe precepts as your daily practice, and regard jealousy and hatred as abnormal frames of mind. 脾气的改变就是心态的改变, 精进应该是常态, 守戒应该是姿态,嫉恨就是在变态。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 9    

Words of Wisdom | Attain Enlightenment Through An Awakening Thought

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From quietness to purity, from awakening to enlightenment, it is all a process of spiritual cultivation. Most important is to attain enlightenment through an awakening thought; but unfortunately, many people make errors in their understanding due to holding wrongful views. 从静到净,从觉到悟, 都是一种修心的过程。 最重要的是一觉成悟, 然而很多人是误觉成失。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 9

Words of Wisdom | Control Your Emotions

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Your state of mind is essential in regulating the endocrine system. Control your emotions so that you will lead your life with a positive mindset and enthusiasm. 心情是一种调节内分泌系统 紊乱的重要因素。 控制好心情,会产生一种 热爱现实生活的正常心态。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 9    

Words of Wisdom | Untainted and Innocence

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A pure heart is untainted. One who abstains from false speech is as innocent as a child. This is the foundation upon which one must embark on the path of Bodhisattvas. 有一种心,称之为纯。 纯洁的心,没有污染, 不妄语就如同孩童般的天真, 这是走向菩萨道的智慧基础。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 9