Words of Wisdom | Grievances and Hardships

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The grievances that you endure today serve to lessen the misery that you may suffer tomorrow. The hardship that you endure today serves to lessen the setbacks you may have to suffer tomorrow. 今天多受点委屈, 就是让你的明天少吃点苦; 今天多受点难, 就是让你的明天少受点罪。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Bodhi

Posted Posted in Words of Wisdom

The more magnanimous you are, the stronger your intuition becomes. Intuition will be transformed into your potential for awakening, which will be transformed into Bodhi. 心量越大的人,灵感越强, 灵感转化为悟性,悟性成就菩提。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Ten feet away from heaven or hell

Posted Posted in Words of Wisdom

Those who endure ten years of suffering in the human realm to eliminate their negative karma are only ten feet away from heaven. Those who indulge themselves in sensual pleasures for ten years are only ten feet away from hell. 在人间吃苦消业十年, 离天上就只有十尺之遥;  在人间享乐挥霍十年, 离地狱就只有十尺之遥。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4