Words of Wisdom | Free From Suffering

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No matter what happened in your previous lives is already in the past. Only by being grounded in the present can you be free from suffering. 过去生中的一切都已过去, 只有当下务实,借假修真, 才能脱离苦海。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Buddhist Fraternity

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You are inviting trouble when you conceive of a deluded thought. In practising Buddhism and spiritual cultivation, what you must nurture is Buddhist fraternity, not personal relationships. 妄心一动就出事, 学佛修心要有佛情,不能有私情。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Human Beings Have Sentiments

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Human beings have sentiments; those who have sentiments would still remain a human being. Only when ordinary love is converted to universal love will lotuses blossom everywhere. 人在情中,情在人中, 把小爱变大爱,才能处处莲花开。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Attachment To The Self

Posted Posted in Words of Wisdom

Attachment is the cause of illusion in the human realm. Take things easy and refrain from contention and quarrels with others, then you will break free from attachment to the self. 执着就是人间的迷惑。 把什么事看得淡一点, 不和别人争,不和别人吵, 就破除了我执。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4