Words of Wisdom | Self-restraint And Endurance

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When opportunities knock on the door, you must be able to withstand the temptation. Learn to exercise self-restraint and endurance, failing which, you will fall short of success due to lack of a final effort. 机会现前时,要经得起考验, 学会克制忍耐,否则功亏一篑。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Practising Buddhism And Wisdom

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Practising Buddhism is about attaining a high level of spirituality. A person devoid of wisdom will not be able to practise Buddhism well. You are a person of wisdom if you are able to resolve any worries that afflict you. 学佛是一个很高的境界, 没有智慧就学不好佛; 有烦恼来了解决掉了,就是拥有智慧 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Gain More In Heaven

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If you gain less in the human realm, you will gain more in heaven. If you gain more in the human realm, you will gain less in heaven. 人间得到的少,天上就得到的多; 人间得到的多,天上就得到的少。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Cherish Whatever You Have

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Cherish whatever you have, for it will be gone once it is lost. You will understand the pain of loss you once felt when you regain something you have lost. 拥有一定要珍惜,失去了就没了, 等再次拥有时会感受到曾经失去过的痛。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Bodhisattva’s State Of Mind

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Those who conceive of impure thoughts are considered to be lower animals. Those who conceive of noble thoughts are considered to be higher animals. Those who have a Bodhisattva’s state of mind have transcended to the level of sages, and they are Bodhisattvas. 人动低级意念,就是低级动物; 人动高级意念,就是高级动物; 人拥有菩萨意念, 就是境界超脱的圣人,就是菩萨。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume […]

Words of Wisdom | What Buddhist Practitioners Must Guard Against

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Buddhist practitioners must guard against committing karma of speech and refrain from ridiculing others for their wrongdoings. They must guard against committing karma of the body and refrain from contravening laws and proprieties. They must guard against committing karma of thought and remain clean and untarnished by defilements. 修行人要善护口业,不讥他过; 善护身业,不失律仪; 善护意业,清净无染。 Master Jun Hong Lu, […]