Words of Wisdom | As Buddhist Practitioners

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As Buddhist practitioners, we should do more deeds and say things which touch the hearts of others. You are a Bodhisattva if you can speak in a kind and pleasant manner. 学佛人要多做感动别人的事, 多说感动别人的话,口吐莲花就是菩萨。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | The Potential For Awakening

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As Buddhist practitioners, we must ask ourselves whether what we are doing is appropriate and whether what we are saying is of any help to others. This is what we call having ‘the potential for awakening’. 学佛人每做一件事,都要反问自己, 做的是否如理如法; 每一句话都要看能否帮助别人, 这就叫“悟性”。   Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Two Truths In Life

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There are two truths in life: When the money is gone, it doesn’t belong to you anymore. When something has happened, it just happened and cannot be undone. 人生两件事: 一是钱出去了就不是你自己的了, 没了就没了; 二是事情发生就发生了, 无法挽回了。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Life, Time and Age

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Life and time are the only two things in the world that will forever decrease, not increase. On the contrary, age is forever on the increase but never on the decrease. 世界上永远只会减少而不会增加的, 那就是生命、时间; 只会增加而不会减少的,就是年龄。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | True Dharma

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True Dharma is about rationality, wisdom, not being clingy, and non-attachment to the form of self, the form of others, the form of beings and the form of life. 真正的佛法是 明理、智慧、不执着、 无我相、无人相、 无众生相、无寿者相。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Dharma Bliss

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When the mind is clean, you will be happy in whatever you do. When the mind is pure and tranquil, you will enjoy Dharma bliss in whatever you do. 心中干净,做什么都很开心; 心中清净,做什么都会法喜。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

Words of Wisdom | Keep Your Inner Mind Clean And Pure

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In this world, if you can keep your inner mind clean and pure, you are contemplating self-presence, contemplating the existence of your inner mind, and contemplating that your inner mind is at ease. 在人间内心完全干净,就是观自在, 观内心的存在,观内心的自在。 Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4