Words of Wisdom | Be Open Minded

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In whatever we do, we must refrain from being selfish; we must be open minded and desire nothing from others. Then we will have wisdom in dealing with things. 做任何事情要没有私心,心胸坦荡,对别人无所求,在人间做事就会有智慧。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 8

Words of Wisdom | Enduring Hardship Is Eliminating Karmic Obstacles

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Enduring hardship is a process of eliminating karmic obstacles. Those who can accept reality understand how to change reality. For a Buddhist practitioner, suffering is only temporary. For a non-practitioner, suffering will be long-lasting. 一个人要懂得吃苦是消业, 一个能够接受现实的人, 是一个懂得改变现实的人。我们修行人吃苦是暂时的,而不修行人吃的苦将是永远的。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 1      

Words of Wisdom | A Believer In Buddhism Will Never Doubt

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A believer in Buddhism will never doubt; a doubter will never believe. A benevolent man practises Dharma in his daily life, while an evil man drifts away from practising Dharma. The wise practise Dharma sincerely, while the foolish practise Dharma half-heartedly. 信佛者不疑,疑者定不信; 仁者行中修,恶者远离行; 智者诚心修,愚者虚伪行。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 1 […]

Words of Wisdom | Do Not Bring Worries Upon Ourselves

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There is nothing in this world that we cannot come to terms with. Everything happens following the law of cause and effect. We should not bring worries upon ourselves. Others may say or do something wrong, but we should not punish or distress ourselves over the mistakes they have made. 在人间没有什么想不通, 所有的一切都是因果。希望大家不要自寻烦恼, 不要用别人的言行错误来惩罚自己、烦恼自己。   – […]

Words of Wisdom | Transcendence

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To practise Buddhism and to be a good person is a kind of transcendence–a notion that goes beyond the human realm. Buddhas and Bodhisattvas told us what is good and what is evil. However, they did not tell us which paths to choose. The choice is ours; our life is in our own hands. Practising […]

Words of Wisdom | Respect Generates Trust

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A Buddhist practitioner should first learn to respect others. Respect generates trust, allowing us to turn a foe into a friend. Treat people equally, acknowledge the achievements of others, praise others, respect the good character of others, unite, and make our families more peaceful. Respect all people. A most important virtue for Buddhist practitioners is […]

Words of Wisdom | Respect Others

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To respect others is to respect ourselves. Respecting others is not something we give but something we reap; it is a true expression of the compassion within ourselves. 尊重别人就是尊重自己, 尊重不是给予而是收获, 是自心慈悲的真诚流露。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 1      

Words of Wisdom | Our Character

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Our character determines how well we practise Buddhism and enlighten others. Our wisdom determines how well we turn ourselves into decent people and propagate Buddhism. Our virtues determine how well we build and maintain interpersonal relationships. When we face everyone and everything in life with compassion and wisdom, we find ourselves more open and free. […]

Words of Wisdom | Let Go Of Bottomless Desire

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We as Buddhist practitioners should learn to let go of our bottomless desire for materialistic enjoyment, otherwise we will harm our minds. If we can let go of our desire for materialistic enjoyment, we will be able to bring our mental and spiritual well-being to perfection. 学佛人要学会放下对物质无穷的欲望, 否则会伤害自己的心灵, 如果能够放下对物质的欲望, 就会完善人的心灵世界。   – Master Jun Hong […]

Words of Wisdom | Happiness

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Happiness is not defined by our wealth or our status, but by how we choose to live our lives. Only when we are not entangled in the pursuit of fame and wealth will we truly be liberated. A liberated life is a life truly worth living. 人生的快乐与否、幸福与否,不在于拥有多少钱、在什么位置,而是在于怎样活着。不被人间的名利缠绕, 你的生活才会真正的解脱, 拥有解脱的生活,才会拥有真正的人生。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, […]

Words of Wisdom | With Desire Comes Disappointment

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A wise person has no desire. With desire comes disappointment. If we indulge ourselves in disappointment, we will lose hope in the end. As such, we should not have any expectations in the first place. Expectation will only lead to more disappointment. 有智慧的人就没有欲望, 有欲望就会有失望。如果一个人整天活在失望中,他就会绝望,所以我连盼望都不要,因为有了盼望就会有更多的失望。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 1 […]

Words of Wisdom | Be Enlightened

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We are capable of being enlightened if we discover our faults. We begin to be enlightened if we correct our faults. We will awaken if we discover all our mistakes. We will be thoroughly enlightened if we correct all our mistakes. 一个人发现自己的错误是悟性, 改正自己的错误是开悟, 发现自己所有的错误是醒悟, 改正自己全部的错误是彻悟。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume […]

Words of Wisdom | Learning Buddhism

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Learning Buddhism is learning to push aside all worldly afflictions. All people and all things have aspects that pose obstacles for us. To return to the original state of our inherent virtuous nature, we must see through the truth of life and become completely enlightened. 学佛就是要学会将人间的烦恼事情拨开,人、事、物都是我们的障碍, 想穿想明、彻底开悟, 才能回归人类之本性的美德。     – Master Jun Hong Lu, […]

Words of Wisdom | Truly Believe

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Only when we truly believe in Bodhisattva will we be trusted by others. Only when we truly believe that our pure hearts can help others will we truly get help from others in times of need. 只有真正相信菩萨存在, 才能让别人相信你; 只有真的相信自己这颗纯洁的心能够帮助别人,才能真正得到世人的帮助。     – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 1

Words of Wisdom | Selfishness

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Selfishness is like a time bomb it will certainly explode one day, just like a selfish person will certainly hurt himself. 人的自私心犹如一颗定时炸弹, 放在你的身边,终有一天会爆炸, 会伤害你自己。     – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 1      

Words of Wisdom | Hurting Others

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One who conceals his own weaknesses by hurting others is someone who not only suffers from mental instability, but also is hurt by demons of the mind. 用伤害别人来掩饰自己缺点的人, 是心灵创伤的受害者, 也是心魔作怪的受伤者。     – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 1

Words of Wisdom | Wisdom Is The Key

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Wisdom is the key to sparing us from the many karmic obstacles brought upon by the impermanence of life. Live a life free from attachments, and let nature takes its course. Recognise that when we are born into this world, we start taking responsibility for our behaviour. Our lives are the place where we generate […]

Words of Wisdom | Pass Virtues Onto Children

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We should cultivate blessings and virtues by doing good in this world. Leave to our children more virtues, so that they can pass these virtues onto their children and protect them. 要修福修德,多给孩子留一些德, 才能让德性传给子孙后代,庇荫他们。     – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 1

Words of Wisdom | Cherish

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We should cherish the Buddhist friends we encounter in this life. Such good affinities were formed from countless past lifetimes of cultivating minds and going through trials and tribulations together. We should not be envious of the wealth and fame others possess in this life. Such blessings are the results of performing good deeds and […]

Words of Wisdom | Good Affinities

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When we help others, we sow the seeds of being able to receive help in times of need. When we form good affinities with others, we can come together like a family reunion. 当你帮助别人的时候,就种下了贵人缘;种下善缘,才会得到团圆。     – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 1