Words of Wisdom | Realising The Truth

Posted Posted in Words of Wisdom

Practising meditation itself is realising the truth; realising the truth itself is Prajna wisdom. When you realise emptiness, you will understand the truth about Zen. 禅修亦禅悟, 禅悟亦般若。 当你拥有了空性, 你才能理解禅的真谛。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 8

Words of Wisdom | False Emptiness

Posted Posted in Words of Wisdom

Consciousness arising from delusion is merely false emptiness; the void consciousness arising from conditioned origination and inherent emptiness is true Prajna wisdom. 虚幻中的意识是幻化空性,缘起性空的空识才是真谛般若。   – Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 8