About Spiritual Cultivation


24/12/2022 | About Spiritual Cultivation    
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Master Jun Hong Lu: If a particular sect is constantly accusing others of being improper, distorting their words, slandering them and misusing various Buddhist teachings so as to suppress people or matters, it only goes to show that it is not an upright dharma.

To date, Master has never ever uttered a single bad thing about another Dharma Door. As I always tell you, all Dharma Doors can be likened to a doctor, helping us find a road to liberation. It all boils down to one’s personal choice when choosing a suitable dharma door along his dharma learning journey. As far as he is concerned, his choice offers him the best doctor and dharma method.

As your Master, I urge all of you to do your best, cherish the good dharma that you currently possess, that is Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door.

Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Discourse, Guan Yin Hall, Sydney, Australia, 29 April 2018

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