About Spiritual Cultivation


07/05/2023 | About Spiritual Cultivation    
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Master Jun Hong Lu: As a matter of fact, karmic obstacles stem from your memory. When a specific unhappy incident dwells in your mind, resentment, apprehension and vexation will arise and from which, karmic obstacles are formed.

To remove karmic obstacles, don’t you think you should erase from your memory, the people you hate, the past misdeeds that have brought you deep remorse and sorrow, and the things that you did out of sheer ignorance and greed?

You have to erase the unwholesome thoughts and negative recollections from your memory. This is because memories are extremely powerful – something that we are incapable of keeping a rein on.

Think about it, isn’t it the case that things that we do not wish to recall will pop up in an untimely manner. There are times when we do not wish to talk about a specific person, whom we resent, and yet, he will suddenly flash through our mind.

Conversely, you can hardly recall things that you wish to remember. This goes to show that our memories are not within our control.

To eliminate karmic obstacles, you have to first eradicate the unwholesome thoughts in your memory. You have to understand that if you let the negative memories live in your mind, you are essentially hanging on to your karmic obstacles.

Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Buddhism In Plain Terms, Volume 11 Chapter 35

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