About Spiritual Cultivation


15/05/2024 | About Spiritual Cultivation    
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Master Jun Hong Lu: It is essential for the practice of giving not to be attached to any perception. If you become attached, you will be caught up in the scenario where you are fixated on the act of giving. Do you understand? What this means is you anticipate an reward every time you give. In this case, you feel entitled and when the reward doesn’t come, you will feel sad and unhappy.

For example, today, you offer some fruits to Guan Yin Bodhisattva or you drop some money in the donation box, and you wonder, “Why have I not been rewarded yet?” Hence, it is a must that you are detached from all forms of perception when you give. For example, you make a donation to print the book, “Totem World”, but you do not want your name on the book, you will feel at ease. For that, the notion of you making the donation today will not even cross your mind.

Unfortunately, in this day and age, many people “give with an attachment” (有相布施). What does this mean? It is when you go, “Hey, I paid for the printing of this book and yet, the situation in my household has not improved?” This is when you start to feel troubled.

You may also say, “Today, I have helped so many people, and recited so many Buddhist scriptures. Logically, my recitation would have engendered merits but why is it that my condition has yet to improve?”

The reason is: You are attached to the anticipation of award, and that is why things have failed to improve.

Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Discourse at Guan Yin Hall, Sydney, Australia, 30 November 2011

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