Wenda20140615B 58:31
(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)
Caller: Why does the practice of Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door require us to recite so many Buddhist scriptures? Is it to awaken our innate Buddha-nature?
Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes, what you just said is correct. Why do we need to recite so many Buddhist scriptures as part of the practice in Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door? It is to awaken our innate Buddha-nature. Without recitation, there is no communication with Bodhisattva. If you do not speak, how can you communicate with others? It is the same principle. Therefore, if you wish to communicate with Bodhisattva, performing recitations is essential. Buddhist scriptures are the spoken words of Bodhisattva, do you understand?
Caller: I understand and do not have any further questions. I wish Master a Happy Father’s Day.
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