Wenda20201011 47:23
(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)
Caller: I have a question regarding extinguishing the oil lamp. Master Lu has previously given multiple discourses on this topic, stating that when the person leaves, the oil lamp should be extinguished. However, some Buddhist friends interpret ‘leaving’ as exiting the house, while other Buddhist friends interpret it as exiting the room where the Buddhist altar is positioned. Which interpretation is correct?
Master Jun Hong Lu: If you are not performing recitation of Buddhist scriptures, you should extinguish the oil lamp. For example, some may not continue to perform recitations after making their prayers. Regardless of where you are (even if you have not left the room), as long as you are not performing recitations or praying, that should be considered ‘leaving’ as your mind is no longer there. Extinguish the oil lamp in this case.
Caller: What if the Buddhist friend proceeds to another room to perform recitation?
Master Jun Hong Lu: Depending on their preference, they may keep the oil lamp lit or extinguish it. Keeping it lit represents that they wish to continue performing recitations and praying to Bodhisattva. Generally, they may extinguish it when they leave.
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