English Sharing Session

English Sharing Session – 19 Jan 2020

25/02/2020 | English Sharing Session    
< English Sharing Session    

Time : Sunday 2.00pm-3.30pm (fortnightly)
Venue : Singapore Oriental Radio Practice Centre


1. Video clip on highlights of various Public Talks by Master Jun Hong Lu.

2. Video clip on Master Lu’s discourse: Story of a Treasure Hunter.

3. The Tai Sui Bodhisattva of 2020 – Remedy for Zodiac signs that clash with Tai Sui.

4. Testimony sharing: From a meatatarian to vegetarian; from hostile daughter-in-law to practising filial piety – Thanks to Guan Yin Citta.

5. 2020 Predictions by Master Lu – What to look out for?

6.Totem enquiry: Kind-hearted man with various health problems.

7. Questions and Answers.



On 19 January 2019, Guan Yin Citta (Singapore) held yet another fortnightly English Sharing Session at the practice centre featuring many inspiring and enriching items on the lineup.

In line with the start of the new decade and Lunar New Year on 25 January, the keynote sharing highlighted some things we should do. Featuring items such as the Tai Sui Bodhisattva of 2020, the audience learnt more about how to dispel calamities, especially if they or their relatives are born in the zodiac signs that clash with Tai Sui. Such a helpful sharing epitomises how Buddhism is a practical yet spiritual practice, empowering all practitioners to improve their lives and hearts by feasible means.

Another sharing was on 2020 predictions by Master Lu, where Master forecasted certain events happening in specific months throughout the year. As an annual affair that has proven itself to be shockingly accurate and genuine, this sharing does not aim to be an almanac. Instead, this hopes to be proof of how Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are real, and we must cherish all the good we have in light of all calamities.

 English 2020 predictions.pdf

Finally, a Buddhist friend shared about how she transformed from a meatatarian to a vegetarian, from a hostile to a filial daughter-in-law – thanks to Guan Yin Citta. The lighthearted and amusing sharing about Guan Yin Citta’s efficacy wowed many in the audience, inspiring all to continue their diligence and persistence towards spiritual practice.

If you wish to understand more about Master Lu’s latest discourses, learn to apply Buddhist teachings into our everyday lives, imbibe yourself with more positive energy and blessings from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, we welcome you! Join us in the next English Sharing Session to embark on a wondrous expedition of wisdom and positivity!






< English Sharing Session