Words of Wisdom


18/05/2024 | Words of Wisdom    
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Master Jun Hong Lu: Second question: I said to Bodhisattva, “Guan Yin Bodhisattva, nowadays people are plagued with illnesses, and what’s more, many of these illnesses are medically unknown. As I go about helping sentient beings daily, the stack of phone recordings is filled with names of people who are succumbing to terminal illnesses such as cancer, cerebral palsy, brain tumour and all sorts of other illnesses”.

Bodhisattva said, “Myriads of illnesses stem from a mind that is defiled”. A person with an evil conscience will contract all sorts of illnesses. Do not take these few simple words lightly because the meaning behind is extremely profound. Take a look at those severely-ill people. You may claim that your sick mother has never done anything evil and she is someone with a good conscience. The fact of the matter is, a person with a good conscience in this life does not necessarily mean she was someone of moral excellence in her past lives.

Bodhisattva continued, “The soul (Citta) is the lock, while the dharma door is the key. The dharma door that unlocks your soul is known as ‘Citta Dharma Door’ (xin ling fa men, 心灵法门)”.

It is because of this lock that bolts the mind that humans fail to think things through. When you get upset with the many troubles in life, it is because you do not undo the lock to your soul. Those who choose to take their own lives are the ones unable to rise above their vexations. Generally, a troubled person is one who fails to get over life’s challenges.

Yesterday, I was telling our Buddhist friends at the Oriental Radio station that having vexations is a telltale sign that one lacks wisdom. A wise person will not have vexations because the moment a problem arises, he has the wisdom to overcome and solve it. Do you think someone who exclaims, “Gosh, this thing is driving me crazy!” possesses any wisdom? People who are able to cultivate wisdom are definitely worry-free and those who are bogged down by worries have no wisdom. Buddhas and Bodhisattva are the greatest philosophers, that’s why I encourage you to put in your best effort to learn Buddhism.

Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Public Talk, Sydney, Australia, 8 April 2012

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