Words of Wisdom


15/05/2024 | Words of Wisdom    
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Master Jun Hong Lu: When the Buddha was about to enter nirvana, kneeling beside Him, His grief-stricken disciples implored, “Buddha, when you enter nirvana, what shall we do?” The Buddha replied, “Let the precepts be your foundation”.

This goes to show that the observance of the precepts is a reflection of one’s moral character. A person who is morally disciplined is virtuous, endowed with noble qualities that characterise them.

A person who upholds the precepts will steer clear of immoral acts: they will not lie nor would they be greedy, resentful, arrogant or suspicious towards others. The precepts train us to obey the code of behaviour. You must instil them in your eighth consciousness; abide by the rules of conduct at all times and never let them slip your mind. This is the essence of keeping to the precepts.

This is why I am asking all of you to make sure that each arising thought and movement of your mind complies with the rules and standards of morality. Stay away from inconsequential matters, such as trying to impress the opposite gender with your capability. Is there any meaning to it? Is there any purpose in attempting to reach for things that are beyond your grasp? Does it serve any purpose to harbour hate towards someone when all it does is upset yourself, and the person you hate is unaware of it? Your animosity may escalate to the point where you start speaking ill behind their back. The moment they discover it and retaliate ruthlessly, you end up being hurt. Does it not come back to you?

What’s the point of all these? Clearly, safeguarding your thoughts is of supreme importance and this is something that you must observe at all times. If you can do so, success will be yours.

Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Buddhism In Plain Terms, Episode 82, 6 June 2020

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