Words of Wisdom


12/05/2024 | Words of Wisdom    
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Master Jun Hong Lu: When giving advice to others to cultivate their mind, it’s important not to reprimand them. This is because the reflection of human wisdom is not limited to a specific aspect.

In this world, not every seed can grow into a mighty tree, not every flower can bear fruit, and not everyone gets to enjoy a life of bliss. Not every heart is able to attain inner peace, and not all relationships can stand the test of time. After all, life is far from flawlessness. In fact, you will never find perfection in this mortal world. Those who strive for a perfect outcome will only end up having to suffer the agony brought upon by their own inner flaws. This is the norm.

As long as we live on this earth, it is essential to embrace the concept of ‘going with the flow’. By recognising the fact that since everything is imperfect, we should accord with conditions and remain composed in times of trouble. Such is a mentality that is life-affirming.

Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Public Talk, Vancouver, Canada, 27 September 2014

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