Words of Wisdom


12/05/2024 | Words of Wisdom    
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Master Jun Hong Lu: Any form of love or hatred in this mortal world is accumulated from countless lifetimes. If you are deeply in love with someone today, it is because of the love you had for this person in your past lives and the same goes for the hatred you have towards another person. This is an irresolvable problem.

For example, you have carried over 20% of the hatred for another person from your past life, which resembles a detonating fuse, if you do not understand the principles behind and start lighting up the fuse everywhere you go, the degree of hatred between you and that person will increase to 60% – 80% in your next life.

This explains the conception of hatred and gives justification to the phenomena of “madly in love” and “burning with irredeemable hatred”.

It is like a drama, with all of you being the puppets, controlled by an invisible rope fastened on you. This rope is your fate and destiny, leading you through life by your nose. You are a puppet living in this world, being led by the nose by others.

Fate may take you on an emotional roller coaster on a daily basis that oscillates between joy and sorrow. You may be at ease today but for all you know, quarrels may ensue tomorrow. Are you able to understand this principle? In a nutshell, in this human realm, all of you are the puppets led around by the nose. With a significant part of your life behind you, think about what you have gained from it and what you have lost?

All karmic debts that you are repaying now are grievances of past lives, which include the karmic debts owed to your children, spouse and parents. They constitute a circle of repayment of which the dues may not be completely settled even until the day you die. What’s more? You also need to make repayment for karmic debts incurred in this life, in your following life.

Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Buddhism In Plain Terms, Volume 4 Chapter 35

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