Buddhism In Plain Terms
Volume 11 Chapter 29
(An Excerpt)
Master Jun Hong Lu: Many people say, “I don’t have any karmic obstacles.” That is impossible, as karmic obstacles follow and never leave us. For those who do not practise Buddhism, karmic obstacles will only build up day after day. This explains why some people suffer from deteriorating health.
We should repent of our karmic obstacles. Recitation of Buddhist scriptures can help to eliminate a lot of karmic obstacles provided that no new ones are committed, only then one is able to experience an increase in wisdom and blessings. That said, a person with hefty karmic obstacles will generally diminish in wisdom and tends not to be able to think clearly. This is an important point to note.
So, how can we reduce our karmic obstacles? The best method is to guard our actions, speech and thoughts and avoid accumulating new negative karma. We should not allow our karmic obstacles to continue growing or to grow too speedily because if they do, we will be unable to receive the blessings from Bodhisattva and Dharma Protectors. This is because hefty karmic obstacles will hinder one’s wisdom life. Hence, they are something that should be kept under control.
< Words of Wisdom