Words of Wisdom


24/12/2022 | Words of Wisdom    
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Master Jun Hong Lu: What is the power of concentration? When one encounters difficulties, one must be able to stay composed, keep to the moral precepts and be steady. Nowadays, there are many people, when something unforeseen happens to them or their family, they become distraught.

How does the Power of Concentration (composure) come about? It is from being disciplined. Being disciplined here means restraining yourself from doing what you shouldn’t do or eating what you shouldn’t eat.

Let me tell you a story. A director of a company was diagnosed with diabetes. During his check-up at the hospital, he was advised by the doctor to stay away from the foods and drinks that he normally consumed.

He managed to restrain himself for one week and his blood sugar index came under control. The doctor said that he had made good improvements.

One night, feeling very uneasy and unable to take it anymore, he lost his sense of discipline. He went out for a meal, overindulged himself and caused stress to his pancreas. He died the next day.

Think about it, just how important it is for one to be disciplined. You can’t even control what goes in your mouth. Similarly, when you quarrel with others, it is because you lost control of your mouth too. You just can’t restrain your words, can you?

Think about it, if only you practise a little restraint, all will be peaceful, right? Because of your failure to hold back, all hell breaks loose, and you end up miring in lawsuits, etc. Therefore, it is important that you must practise restraint, and no matter what, you should never allow yourself to act at your whims and fancies.

Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s 2nd Discourse to Disciples Worldwide, Part 1, 5 November 2011

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