Testimony Sharing

Unwavering Faith In Bodhisattva Helps A Young Buddhist Friend Navigate Workplace Challenges And Shield Him from Calamities

11/03/2022 | 同修分享 Testimony Sharing    
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Deepest Gratitude to Namo Shakyamuni Buddha!

Deepest Gratitude to the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva!

Deepest Gratitude to all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Dharma Protectors!

Deepest Gratitude to Master Jun Hong Lu!

Good afternoon to all Buddhist friends.

I’m delighted to share with you today the blessings of Guan Yin Bodhisattva after setting foot on my Buddhism practice, enabling me to navigate rough patches at work and secure a preferred job besides circumventing a potential karmic pass.

End-2018 marked a pivotal part of my life and with the blessings of Guan Yin Bodhisattva, I embarked on my spiritual cultivation journey. Through various means, many a time, I could feel the protection and blessings of Bodhisattva, who would help me lay the best arrangement and forewarn me of potential pitfalls ahead.

I joined a new firm in 2019 but my working life was hardly a bed of roses; I had had difficulty dealing with some characters at work. In the absence of any suitable job offer, I hunkered down and stayed put. To address some of these challenges, I made a vow to liberate 10,000 fishes.    

At work, I could feel the Bodhisattva was protecting and blessing me all the time. Shortly after joining the firm, Covid-19 pandemic started to unravel. Amid rapidly dimming business prospects, my company decided to trim its workforce. I had initially been forewarned by my manager that my headcount was at great risk. Knowing that I could find another job, I was unruffled by his words. Soon after, with no effort of my own, a colleague of mine was let go instead of me. What an unexpected outcome! This incident strengthened my resolve to liberate another batch of 10,000 fishes.   

On an unrelated incident, the opportunity of securing a corporate customer whom I had had past business dealings with slipped through my fingers. I found out that my colleague took over the account right under my nose. Driven by the interests of the company and none of mine at heart, I decided to turn to my manager who decided to let my colleague take charge of the account since he had initiated a contact with the corporate customer. Without second thought, I accepted the outcome. Soon after, I got to know that my colleague got an earful from the customer for having delivered the purchased goods to the wrong location. Come to think of it, I could have been the one bearing the brunt had I gone all-out to seek ‘justice’. This incident has taught me that “blessed are those who do not contend with others”.

Admittedly, switching jobs had always been at the back of my mind but the right job seemed far and between. In light of this, I decided to go with the flow, not knowing that Bodhisattva had had a plan for me. A few months into this job, I dreamed of a man telling me, “You will get to do more in your current job”. Lo and behold, a slew of learning opportunities fell into my lap. While I did not receive a pay hike despite an extended job scope, I was able to perform a lot of new tasks, allowing me to acquire a myriad of knowledge.


2021 was the year when things were a-changing – my career stars started to become more aligned. Through some existing customers, I got in touch with new customers. Apart from finding new customers, I also had to maintain good contact with various product suppliers. Surprisingly, one of the suppliers introduced a customer to me which was totally unusual. After all, the supplier could have sold directly to the customer instead of going through an intermediary like my company. After a tiny initial order, the new customer placed an uncharacteristically large order that was nine times the size of a typical order that the company would normally receive. To my delight, the extra business bumped up my pay! 


Towards end-2021, someone visited me in my dreams and said, “I understand that your current salary is a tad too low but a 30% pay bump is forthcoming”. About three weeks after the dream, I received successive contact from headhunters, enticing me with four job opportunities.

In the first job offer, the company was ready to take me onboard by giving me a company car and a 40% pay rise. Frankly, I was very tempted to take a stab at it. The second offer entailed a 30% pay hike – a rate that matched what was indicated in the dream – and the job interview went on smoothly and I was accepted the next day.

Come to think of it, Bodhisattva had hinted me through my dreams to accept the second job, and hence, I did what I was asked to. Soon after, it became known to me that the first job offer would be highly demanding and this explained why the company was willing to fork out a lucrative pay package to entice me over. I did not even consider the third and fourth job opportunities as they were hardly suitable.

The second company wanted to use my last-drawn salary as the basis for my pay package at the new firm, and this happened at the time when my pay had just seen a significant bump following a large business contract that I helped secure. Fortunately, my new employer was willing to wait for me for three months, allowing me to collect my year-end bonus before coming onboard. It was indeed the icing on the cake. With this, my financial position was significantly enhanced. 

On reflection, this job offer certainly beat all the jobs that I had applied for all this while and unlike others, it just fell into my lap when I least expected it. Deepest gratitude to Guan Yin Bodhisattva for the impeccable arrangement.   


After setting foot on my spiritual cultivation journey, through various dreams, I would receive forewarning of potential dangers from Bodhisattva. Sometime in August 2020, in my dream, someone advised me about potential tyre tubing danger. Heeding the advice, I sent my motorbike for an inspection. The mechanic failed to identify the problem.

With full faith in the premonition dream, I advised him to perform another round of thorough inspection. It was then detected that there was indeed some underlying problem that would only surface when overtaking another vehicle. It’s hard to imagine the consequences had I not had the dream. Clearly, the Dharma Protectors are watching over and protecting me! Bodhisattva is indeed ever so compassionate.


In these three years of spiritual practice, I seized every opportunity to recite Little Houses and the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance to eliminate my karmic obstacles. I would also grab every single opportunity to perform meritorious deeds and would do so to my best capacity besides readily extending help where needed. I have also made the vow to adopt a vegetarian lifestyle for life. I will constantly put Master Lu’s teachings to practice in my daily life.

I fervently hope that my testimony will help inspire some Buddhist friends who are undergoing some challenging times in their careers. Challenges in life are a manifestation of karmic obstacles and the inadequacy of virtues and merits. To surmount these challenges, we must remain steadfast in our Buddhism practice, be it performing recitation or meritorious deeds, and only through this, our course of destiny can be transformed.

Through these years, my faith in Guan Yin Bodhisattva and Buddhism has never once wavered and I persevere despite strong family objections. Had I not stood firm in my belief, I would not have received the blessings of Guan Yin Bodhisattva.    

I have come to the end of my sharing. If my sharing is improper in any way, I would like to seek forgiveness from Namo Shakyamuni Buddha, the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva, all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Dharma Protectors and Master Jun Hong Lu. Thank you to all Buddhist friends.

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