Testimony Sharing

A Buddhist Practitioner’s Sharing on the Divine Power of the Medicine Buddha Dharani

19/02/2022 | 同修分享 Testimony Sharing    
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A Buddhist friend’s feedback on blog – 27 September 2021 (An Excerpt)

When I first saw Master’s latest discourse on the recitation of the Medicine Buddha Dharani, and the recitation requirements – which include ‘one is required to be pure physically and mentally’, and ‘the reciter must have a heart of compassion and be free of distracting thoughts’ as ‘having compassion is the prerequisite for the reciter to fully receive the empowerment of energy’ – I was really put off because being compassion was never my strong suit. 

Moreover, over the past six months or so, my mind had been swamped with distracting thoughts, rendering me unable to quiet my mind to perform recitation. Even when I was reciting the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance (LIFO) in a kneeling position in front of the Buddhist altar, my mind would wander and get drowned by all the worldly issues, completely lost in the human wilderness. This also happened when I was prostrating and paying respect to Bodhisattvas, my mind would drift away ever so easily.

One other excuse that I gave myself was that I had just made a great vow on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month to recite a large number of Little Houses. Feeling overwhelmed, I had my doubts about being able to take on additional Buddhist scriptures.


Later that day, I spent the whole day browsing through the questions raised by other Buddhist practitioners in relation to this Dharani and the corresponding replies from 2OR Secretariat. I did this purely out of my thirst for new knowledge, without any slightest intent to recite the Dharani. 

As I ran through the discourses, the deluge of enthusiastic and positive responses from many diligent Buddhist practitioners started to pique my interest, and I was impressed. There and then, I decided to give it a shot and decided to start with the minimum number, i.e. 49 times. With a non-committal mindset, I struggled as I wrapped up my recitation of the Dharani on that day.


Soon after, as I deliberated over this statement:  ‘It is Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s compassion that allows us to receive Medicine Buddha’s blessings and empowerment’, a sense of shame washed over me. I was ashamed of my doubt and indecision. I had clearly let Bodhisattvas down. I should have made a vow to recite this Dharani as a means to challenge myself and mend my ways. Finally, I made the vow to recite 100,000 times of the Medicine Buddha Dharani and 21 times of LIFO. Not wanting to overpromise and underdeliver, I set the deadline slightly long-dated.

To my surprise, the recitation process was very smooth, with far fewer distracting thoughts than usual. I even shed tears numerous times at the thought of the compassion of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. I can’t recall the last time I had this feeling!

I was somewhat tired after reciting the 21 times of LIFO, but the immense Dharma bliss kept me wide awake at night despite not taking an afternoon nap. With my typical depressive moods kept at bay, my mind was much more alert than usual. Admittedly, it is not uncommon to see me in a confused state – perhaps, a manifestation of my hefty karmic obstacles. 


This has come to an end of my sharing. 

Deepest gratitude to Guan Yin Bodhisattva! 

Deepest gratitude to Medicine Buddha! 

Deepest gratitude to Master Lu!



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