Testimony Sharing

Three Golden Buddhist Practices of Guan Yin Citta Miraculously Helps My Mother Regain Consciousness and Get Out of Harm’s Way

01/11/2020 | 同修分享 Testimony Sharing    
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Deepest Gratitude to the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva.

Deepest Gratitude to all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Dharma Protectors.

Deepest Gratitude to Master Jun Hong Lu.

Good afternoon to all shi xiongs.

I’d like to share with you about how the Three Golden Buddhist Practices – performing recitation, making great vows and releasing captive lives – helped my aged and ailing mother regain consciousness.

This incident has made me realise that through performing the Three Golden Practices, we are able to cushion the potential blow arising from a predestined calamity.

I’m here today to share with you my personal experience and true encounter with the hope that my testimony would touch lives. May the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva bless me and help convert this testimony sharing into meritorious blessings. May my sharing help sow the Bodhi seeds in your heart and establish positive affinities with all. I also sincerely hope all Buddhist friends can truly understand what Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door stands for.

My mother, who is 73 this year, fell seriously ill on 3 September 2020. This year happens to be her 3,6,9 predestined calamities period. It all started with vomiting and the swelling of feet. Soon after, she was admitted to the general hospital for treatment.

Upon learning this, I was anxious and decided to make a vow to offer 1,000 Little Houses for my mother, targeting to complete them by end-2025. I also vowed to liberate 10,000 fishes with a deadline set much further away, that is by end-2030, after taking into consideration my financial constraints.

The day after her admission, the doctor discovered some infection in my mother’s blood and feet. To address this issue, she was administered antibiotics. Over the course of the next two days, I liberated 40 fishes and burnt 3 Little Houses for my mother. By the fourth day, the pain and swelling had subsided.

On the day that my mother was due to be discharged from the hospital, the doctor discovered that she was experiencing some heart palpitations and decided to retain her for further observation. That was 9 September. Around midnight, I received a call from the hospital and was notified that my mother had lost consciousness and urgently needed to be transferred to the high-dependency ward.

The next day, I learned that my mother suffered a brain stroke, a bacterial infection in her blood, weak renal functions and low blood pressure. I rushed to the hospital.

In front of my mother, I confided to Guan Yin Bodhisattva, renewing the earlier two vows and adding one new vow, which entailed a testimony sharing once my mother recovered. I implored to Guan Yin Bodhisattva to keep my mother safe so that I had the opportunity to perform my duty as a child to the best of my capacity. I also promised to do more meritorious deeds.

I am extremely grateful to some Buddhist friends for helping my mother recite the Great Compassion Mantra and Little Houses during this critical period. I made the resolution to recite 21 times of the Great Compassion Mantra and the Heart Sutra daily for my mother, which I fervently hope would pave the way for a quick recovery and establish her faith in Buddhism.

On 12 September, I liberated 60 fishes before heading off to the Practice Centre. In the Practice Centre, I renewed my vows and iterated my willpower to save my ailing mother. On that day, I burnt 20 Little Houses for her.

The next morning, the doctor broke the good news that my mother had miraculously regained consciousness and was able to wean herself off the medically-administered oxygen aid as her breathing returned to normalcy. The other piece of heartening news was her blood pressure reading had also improved.

I was deeply touched by the news and could only iterate my utmost gratitude to Guan Yin Bodhisattva for saving my mother at such precarious moments of her life. I promised to remain diligent and steadfast in my spiritual cultivation along with helping repay my mother’s karmic debts in order to ease her sufferings.

I also promised to educate my mother about the importance of vegetarianism and practising Buddhism. I pledged to honour my master and revere his teachings, and advance my cultivation single-mindedly and diligently.

Practising the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door is undoubtedly marvellous. I hope my sharing today will benefit many more people, encouraging them to learn Buddhism, which in turn will liberate them from sufferings in the human realm.

That is the end of my sharing.

If my sharing today is improper in anyway, I seek the forgiveness from Guan Yin Bodhisattva and Dharma Protectors. I shall bear my own karmic debts.

Thank you.

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