Testimony Sharing

Enshrining Shakyamuni Buddha Enhances the Energy of My Buddhist Altar; Foreign Spirits are Kept at Bay

03/12/2021 | 同修分享 Testimony Sharing    
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Deepest Gratitude to the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva!

Deepest Gratitude to all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Dharma Protectors!

Deepest Gratitude to Master Jun Hong Lu!

Good afternoon to all Buddhist friends.

First and foremost, I would like to iterate the importance of heeding Master Lu’s advice and teachings. It still amazes me how our late revered Master held us so close to his heart even right before passing into parinibbana. Deeply concerned about our wellbeing, Master Lu urged us to take an immediate action to enshrine Shakyamuni Buddha at home. There must be a good reason for it.   

Allow me to now share my personal encounter that I hope would motivate Buddhist friends to act swiftly to enshrine Shakyamuni Buddha at home. 

My nightmare started some three years ago after my family and I shifted into a new home where we currently live. Unfortunately, the external environment is far from desirable. Within close proximity, there are two churches and two graveyards of reasonable size. Throughout these years, I have had numerous dreams of the Bodhisattva forewarning about the adverse external environment and its undesirable impact on my spiritual cultivation.

Sad to say, the harsh reality was grim. To avoid foreign spirits from gaining access to my home, I practically couldn’t leave my windows open at any one point in time, be it day or night. My biggest headache was my children who were frequently stricken with imaginary fears and anxiety, reducing them to unexplainable emotional flare-ups. 

That said, nothing beats the innumerable creepy dreams that I have had. In those bizarre and terrifying dreams, my Buddhist altar and the statues of Bodhisattvas were smashed to the ground. In some cases, faces of demons appeared on my Buddhist altar and the Bodhisattvas that I enshrine turned into foreign spirits. I was literally at my wits end. 

Three years have come to pass and needless to say, there are countless of such nightmares. My hands are tied owing to a slew of financial and non-financial constraints, including the pandemic outbreak, making relocation not feasible. 

Stuck between a rock and a hard place, all that I could do was to offer Little Houses after each of these nightmares. I have lost count of the occasions that I fell to my knees and broke into tears in front of my Buddhist altar, engulfed by a deep sense of vulnerability. My predicament echoes what the Bodhisattva has revealed to me in my dreams about the challenges that the external environment would pose to my spiritual cultivation. 

Not long ago, through a vivid dream, the Bodhisattva made known to me of the need to enshrine Shakyamuni Buddha and place the portrait of Master Lu on my Buddhist altar with specific instructions on how they should be positioned. When I woke up, without hesitation, I asked my husband to help print a copy of each portrait. I was all geared up to place the portraits on my Buddhist altar on the upcoming fifteenth day of the lunar month. 

On that special day, adhering to the recommended procedure, I put up the portraits of Shakyamuni Buddha and Master Lu on my Buddhist altar. To take advantage of the superbly brilliant sunshine, I left one of the windows slightly ajar despite knowing the unfavourable external environment. I told myself, “It should be alright; after all, it’s a glorious occasion.” 

I definitely spoke too soon, right on that particular night, I had a nightmare. In the dream, a female foreign spirit was creeping towards my Buddhist altar but regardless of what she did, she was unable to get onto the Buddhist altar, rendering her with no choice but to give up. In the dream, an immense Buddha light radiated from my Buddhist altar, deterring the female foreign spirit from getting near, let alone destroy it.  

What an inconceivable outcome! After being subject to innumerable onslaughts by foreign spirits over the span of three years, this was the very first time that foreign spirits were unable to inflict any damage whatsoever on my Buddhist altar. This serves as a reminder that we must adhere to Master Lu’s teachings and shut our ears to hearsay, besides putting Buddhist teachings into practice. By enshrining Shakyamuni Buddha, it will certainly bring greater peace and wellness to your family.  

I have come to the end of my sharing. If my sharing is improper in any way, I would like to seek forgiveness from the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva, all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Dharma Protectors and Master Jun Hong Lu.

Thank you to all Buddhist friends.

From: A Buddhist friend from the USA 

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