English Sharing Session

English Sharing Session – 16 June 2019

24/02/2020 | English Sharing Session    
< English Sharing Session    

Time : Sunday 2.00pm-3.30pm (fortnightly)
Venue : Singapore Oriental Radio Practice Centre

1. Video clip : “This is my Master”
2. Video clip on Master Lu’s discourse: Do not pursue fame and fortune, learn to be content and you will be happy
3. The legend of Guan Di, Zhou Cang and Guan Ping Bodhisattva  
4. How to pray to Guan Di Bodhisattva for blessings
5. Testimonial sharing: “How learning Buddhism changed my life” – sharing by French Buddhist friend
6. Three phases of wisdom: Let it go, its alright, it shall pass
7. Totem Enquiry: Live a wealthy lifestyle because she worked for God of Wealth in the past
8. Questions and Answers

On 16 June 2019, Guan Yin Citta (Singapore) held yet another fortnightly English Sharing Session at the practice centre featuring many inspiring and enriching items on the lineup.

The keynote sharing examined the legend of Guan Di, Zhou Cang and Guan Ping Bodhisattva, enlightening the audience about how to pray to Guan Di Bodhisattva for blessings. Members of the audience mentioned that they benefited greatly from the sharing, stating that it provided greater historical context and background knowledge about the Bodhisattvas, making our daily prayers more meaningful.

Another segment elaborated on Master Lu’s discourse about the three phrases of wisdom: let it go, it’s alright, it will pass. The sharing also offered pragmatic solutions to overcome difficulties we face in life such as removing expectations and perceptions, practising mindfulness and performing recitation. These tips and tricks allow us to make headway towards a fruitful journey of spiritual cultivation.

If you wish to understand more about Master Lu’s latest discourses, learn to apply Buddhist teachings into our everyday lives, imbibe yourself with more positive energy and blessings from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, we welcome you! Join us in the next English Sharing Session to embark on a wondrous expedition of wisdom and positivity!

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