Buddhism in Plain Terms


< Buddhism in Plain Terms < 白话佛法共修分享    

Time : Saturday 2pm-4.00pm
Platform : ZOOM Cloud Meeting


On 7 November 2020, Guan Yin Citta, Singapore held yet another online English Group Study.

This week’s session provided a good run-down on feng shui, which literally translates as “wind-water” in English, and the Five Elements (metal, wood, water, fire and earth) in Chinese Metaphysics.

As Buddhist practitioners, we should not be obsessed with feng shui, which uses energy forces to harmonize individuals with their surroundings. That said, it is a good-to-know body of knowledge that may come in handy in our spiritual cultivation path. After all, feng shui along with name change and others can influence an approximate 20% of our life destiny.

The session covered various aspects of feng shui which many participants might be unaware of. Some practical methods of creating good feng shui at home.

Did you know these?
? Plants with a ‘Yang’ (positive) attribute, and sounds and scents that are pleasing, can enhance feng shui
? Noise such as noise of an argument has the biggest influence on feng shui
? Avoid displaying money (‘Yin’ energy) or empty objects (e.g. bowls, upside down pots, etc) at home
? Objects that carry negative energy field such as mirrors, knives, stainless steel, etc could incite arguments and damage one’s wealth
? The bathroom door should be closed at all times
? Setting up a Buddhist altar generates the best feng shui

Bottomline: When dealing with feng shui, it is not how the items are arranged, but the human.

Master Lu once said, “Compassion is the essence of feng shui. A compassionate person is capable of ‘calling the winds, summoning the rain’, so to speak”.

The facilitator also highlighted the interesting metaphysics of the Five Elements and methods to regulate and balance the Five Elements. Practising Buddhism is the best way to regulate one’s “Yin-Yang” energy and the Five Elements. Most importantly, Master Lu said the recitation of Buddhist scriptures is the best way to solve the imbalances among these elements by harnessing the power of Bodhisattva.


Let us now look at some comments from participants:

“Fate is predestined. People who do not cultivate dharma hardly change their fate. However, Buddhist practitioners can change their fate and destiny through practising Buddhism.”

“The session has helped me understand that though fate and destiny are influencing factors in our life, practising Buddhism with a strong will can receive the blessings from the Buddha.”


? Join us in our next session 
Please contact Loh SX (96978356) / Woan Yi SX (82182248) for more information


 ⏰ Date and time:
Saturday 14 Nov 2020 (2.oopm – 4.00pm)


Please click here to download the Summary Slides shared during the Group Study:






  1. What is Feng Shui?
  2. Five practical methods to enhance Feng Shui
  3. How to create good Feng Shui in your Home?
  4. What is the Best Method to improve FengShui?
  5. The Five Elements Theory
  6. The Metaphysics of the Five Elements and our Body
  7. How to regulate and balance the Five Elements?



< What is Feng Shui? (Chinese Geomancy) >

World Buddhist Fellowship Meeting, Taipei, 3 October 2016

Feng Shui (风水) literally means “Wind” and “Water”. Wind (风) means aura, atmosphere and energy. Water (水) represents the flow and its changes. So putting the two words together, “wind” represents stillness and “water” represents movement, which is akin to yin (wind) and yang (water). 



Understanding Fate and Destiny 


Percentage of various factors influencing our life

Master Jun Hong Lu: We do not abide by ‘fate and destiny’, if we turn these words around, we ‘destine’ our ‘fate’, our fate will be in our hands. This is how Buddhist practitioners are able to change their fate and destiny!


Master Jun Hong Lu’s Public Talk, Jakarta, Indonesia, 9 March 2018

Master Jun Hong Lu:  While we practise Buddhism, we need to have faith in whatever situations.  Many people let fate dictate their lives.  Please remember, fate is predestined by the heaven. Thus, people who do not cultivate dharma can hardly change their fate. One can only change their fate and destiny by practising Buddhism with a strong will and receiving the blessings from the Buddha.

Fate is a combination of good and bad luck which is beyond one’s control. The process of enhancing and changing our life through our spiritual cultivation whereby we engage in both good and bad deeds is known as destiny.  Please remember, although we cannot change our fate, it can be transformed by our destiny – and that is through practising Buddhism.



< Five practical methods to enhance Feng Shui >

World Buddhist Fellowship Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan, 4 October 2016



The eyes are most important; if all you need to do is look at a space and you immediately feel comfortable (your first feeling), then this space has very good feng shui; otherwise, if you feel very uncomfortable and annoyed when looking at a space, and you don’t wish to be in the space, then that is a space with bad fengshui. So, when you first look at a house, if you think “I like this, I want this,” then that house has good feng shui, as far as you are concerned.

If you find someone annoying, it means that your energy field is not aligned with his. In other words, the Feng Shui of both of you are not in sync. So when a person gets close to you slowly and makes you happy, and you are comfortable with him, in fact this is the so-called ‘man-made Feng Shui’ in modern context. Therefore, for a poor physical home environment, you may place a pot of flowers to lighten up your mood. 


You must remember to be careful when keeping plants in your home, and be aware of which plants have a ‘Yin’ (negative) attribute and which plants have a ‘Yang’ (positive) attribute; sometimes keeping plants can be a bad thing. Many people think that the ball cactus can ward off evil spirits, but in reality the ball cactus just pricks their skin. When you look at a ball cactus, you’ll feel uncomfortable, with goosebumps all over your skin, and that’s bad feng shui. So, if you want to select something to keep in your home, you don’t want something with thorns, otherwise, you will definitely not feel comfortable around them.



Second are the ears. One can observe fengshui through the ears. If the sounds that you hear are pleasant and beautiful, the space you are in has good feng shui.

For example, if you can hear the wind blowing past a room, you will get a good feeling, because the sound is wonderful. If you become friends with a person, and you find it very easy to listen to them speak, this is actually because of your karmic affinities with this person in your previous lifetimes, causing you to accept everything the person is saying.

For some other people, you find them unbearable as soon as they open their mouths and start speaking to you, and this is your ears making you aware of bad feng shui.



Sometimes, when you arrive in a noisy space, you are frustrated and find it difficult to actually hear anything through the noise, then this space has bad feng shui.

Many people’s homes are located near highways, and the noise of cars zooming by blocks the home’s good feng shui. Many people’s homes are also below street level, and this is very bad indeed, which is of ‘Yin’ (negative) attribute.

You should never purchase a home that is lower down on the hillside, otherwise you’ll be inviting great disasters to the owner of your home.



Actually, do you all know what noise has the biggest influence on feng shui? The noise of an argument. As soon as an argument or fight begins, the feng shui in the home turns bad. Isn’t it true that a home without peace, a home in chaos, is more damaging to the people living there?

The frequent arguments in this type of home lead to bad feng shui, and will bring bad fortune and huge obstacles to one’s family, and they can even influence the development of the children in the home. 

Business will not run smoothly for those whose home life is full of arguments and fighting. If you notice that a couple isn’t talking to each other, you can be sure that the husband’s business is not going well, and there is even an old saying which goes, “Fearing your wife leads to a prosperous life.”

Actually, this saying does have a little bit of reason behind it, because if a man is under his wife’s thumb, then he will not be arguing with her, and if there haven’t been arguments in the home, then he will certainly be in good fortune. However, many men are not afraid of their wives. But, think about it, one issue with women is that they always want to keep talking.

If your wife is not speaking to you, then what did she marry you for, right? If you don’t pick fights with your wife, then your home will have a positive energy field.

If you want your home to have good feng shui, you have to first stop having arguments.



Third is the nose. If you can smell a foul odour coming from the bathroom as soon as you arrive home, would you say that this is good feng shui? If instead you smell a fragrant scent as you open the door and walk into your home, you will be in a much more positive mood.

So, when the nose can smell pleasing scents, the energy field of the home is positive, and it has good feng shui. Otherwise, if you are confronted by a wretched stench as soon as you open the door, then your home definitely has bad feng shui.

After taking in these bad smells for a little while, your mood will turn sour, and you will slowly begin to have more arguments.

So, a home with a negative energy field will certainly be riddled with bad luck.

For those of us who frequently burn incense at home, the home will be slowly filled up with Buddha’s fragrances, or we can also set out fragrant flowers to transform the energy field.

As soon as you smell a pleasing fragrance, feng shui will naturally improve, and if the smells of a space leave you feeling annoyed or nauseated, that is certainly not good feng shui.

If you spend all day looking at the clouds, worshipping Buddha, and reciting Buddhist scriptures, and then you are met with a pleasant smell when you walk in the door, is this not good feng shui? 



Fourth is the body. Look around to see if your home has too many objects that are of ‘Yin’ (negative) attribute, such as stainless steel, glass, mirrors and objects with a sharp or pointed end or edge; some people even hang swords in their homes, and all of these items have a ‘Yin’ attribute, and will leave you feeling cold. Glass is also of the ‘Yin’ attribute, and it shatters very easily. Even knives should not be kept out in the home, and should instead be put away inside of a drawer after being used.

Objects which carry a heavy negative energy field will have an influence on your body, they will also incite arguments and damage your wealth. This is especially true when looking at yourself in the mirror, where you see your image reflected in the Underworld. Therefore, mirrors are definitely not conducive to creating good feng shui.



Fifth is the consciousness. When a person is living on earth, they feel the influence of the planet’s magnetic field, which carries a type of information and atmosphere, but it’s something that can’t be seen with the eyes, and can only be felt. Sometimes you might get this type of feeling about a person, and you feel that they will be able to help you, and so you are good to them, which is a type of instinctual feeling.

Speaking from the perspective of modern science, it is this physical magnetic field and formless atmosphere that have an impact on your sense of the surroundings in life. So, if a person wishes to understand feng shui, they need to have an awareness of their instinctual feelings for whether something is good or bad.

Many people are perfectly aware of the fact that something is bad, but they go ahead and do it anyway, and end up in a big mess. Some people get a feeling that they shouldn’t do something, and they immediately stop, and this is called wisdom.



< How to create good Feng Shui in your Home? > 


Master Jun Hong Lu’s Public Talk, Sydney, Australia, 14 March 2010

The living room is very important. A living room definitely needs daylight, and the items used to decorate the living room of a home need to be fresh. The fruit that you keep in the living room should be fresh from the market. This attracts the energy field of heaven and earth and Yin-Yang.

The same goes for flowers. Bring home flowers that are about to bloom, and keep them in the living room. Fresh flowers will bring you happiness and good fortune. If you buy a bouquet of flowers to keep in your home, there will be far fewer arguments and less fighting. Why? Because flowers illuminate the surroundings, and have an extremely positive energy field.


Wenda20171022B 22:31 (Master Jun Hong Lu’s Call-In Radio Program)

Caller: Master Lu, not long ago I purchased some bone china bowls and plates, after which I learnt bone china is made of animal bones. What should I do?

Master Jun Hong Lu: It doesn’t matter as the composition of the tableware only contains a very small amount of actual bone.  More importantly is that, they do not come in a particular shape or image.

Caller: They are white, with no design whatsoever.

Master Jun Hong Lu: What a strange person you are.  Why would you want to buy bowls? Empty bowls are generally not good.  Do not place any empty objects in your house.  In the past, when a Feng Shui master saw an empty flower jar at the entrance to a person’s home, it implied the person had nothing in their possession, and subsequently would fail in attaining whatever they  pursued.  Do you understand?

Caller: Do not place any empty objects in my home. Is that correct?

Master Jun Hong Lu: You can’t have anything like that.  Many people purchase big vases for display and leave them empty.  That’s not the right thing to do.

Caller: Should I at least fill it up with water?

Master Jun Hong Lu: That’s right.  You may use it to raise fish, as an umbrella holder, or you can place artificial flowers inside of it.


Master Jun Hong Lu’s Discourse (Question 244) – 4 August 2018

Question:  What colour is suitable for the main door and doors of an apartment?

Answer: Lighter shades are better, as it represents cleanliness; while darker shades are less ideal as it represents grimness which could entail some degree of disaster and unhappiness.  It is just like prison doors which are usually dark in colour; if an iron gate is painted black, it represents obstacles.


Master Jun Hong Lu’s Public Talk, Sydney, Australia, 14 March 2010

A bathroom in the house should never be located at a conspicuous spot. Do you understand? It is too conspicuous in many people’s houses. The moment they open the main door, they could see nothing but the bathroom first. There is even a toy bear or other ornaments hanging on the door. In fact, the bathroom should be hidden and kept out of sight as far as possible. It is because the bathroom carries the ‘Yin’ (negative) energy, and anything that carries the ‘Yin’ energy must be kept out of sight.


Buddhism: Your Questions Answered, Q10

Q&A 10. Having the toilet door closed at all times


Master Jun Hong Lu’s Public Talk, Sydney, Australia, 6 June 2010

I do not advocate praying for monetary blessings; however, I will still teach you a few tricks. Firstly, those who wish to accumulate wealth must be kind people, as money will not find its way to bad people; harmony begets wealth and prosperity, and the act of giving and good feng shui will also bring you more wealth. If you truly want to have good financial fortune, you really have to keep a fishbowl in the home, with six fish. Of course, the prerequisite is that one must be kind to others. If a person is not kind towards others, he will not become rich even if he turns his home into a swimming pool. 


Wenda20120817  24:59 (Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)

Caller:  Master Lu, may I ask, in terms of feng shui, is goldfish the only choice of fish for our home aquariums?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Goldfish are good. They must be goldfish. You should try to avoid keeping other types of fish.

Caller: What is the ideal number of fish that one may keep at home besides 6?

Master Jun Hong Lu: It is either 6, 9, 16 or 18. You should avoid 13, 14 and 15.


Master Jun Hong Lu’s Discourse (Question 335),21 September 2019

Question:  Should we keep our cooking pots at home upright or let it lie flat when not in use?  Are there any guidelines to observe?

Answer:  Empty pots symbolise that the family has no grain to consume and it is inauspicious.  Therefore, we must cover them with lids. On the other hand, if pots are placed upside down, it symbolises failure and bad luck for the family. Hence, it is advisable for pots to be cleaned, wiped dry and covered with lids. 


Master Jun Hong Lu’s Discourse(Question 375), 11 April 2020

Question:  Nowadays, there are many kinds of creative furniture in the market. For instance, a normal sleeping bed is designed to function as a storage space and there are children beds that come with a slide at the side.  Are beds designed like these ideal to use?

Answer:  The bed is an important feature of the house.  If it does not come in its proper form, it is not good because a house without a proper bedroom represents instability. Moreover, it is not advisable to store things underneath the bed. 


A Transcript of Master Jun Hong Lu’s Public Talk in February 2009 (An Excerpt)

It is important to note that mirrors must not be placed in the bedroom, as it will startle our souls and prevent its return to our bodies. Sometimes, when you make your trip to the bathroom at night without turning on the light, you might be seeing a somewhat different image of yourself in the mirror which you don’t even recognise. Do you know what this is? What you see in the mirror is in fact your soul. Do you understand now?

If there is a mirror in the bedroom, one way you can do is to hang a curtain, which can be pulled up during the day, because it doesn’t matter when you are not sleeping. However, it should be pulled down during bedtime.



World Buddhist Fellowship Meeting, Taipei,  Taiwan, 4 October 2016

If a room is arranged neatly and beautifully, which puts people to a good mood, the room has good feng shui. On the contrary, if a room is messed up, you will feel repressed and irritable, which is considered bad feng shui. I hope each of you will clean it up a little after you get home, so that your room is not full of clutter.


Wenda20160710B 42:28 (Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)

Caller: Master Lu, you have mentioned previously that hanging the poster of the Great Compassion Mantra at home would help create positive energy field. However, if the family members are not full-time vegetarians, is it ok to hang it in the living room?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes, it’s ok.

Caller: Will it be disrespectful to the Great Compassion Mantra if not everyone in the family is vegetarian?

Master Jun Hong Lu: You cannot help it. You have no choice.

Caller: Oh, if given a choice, can it be hung inside the bedroom of a bachelorette? That is, to hang the poster inside the Buddhist practitioner’s bedroom.

Master Jun Hong Lu: You may do so as long as there is no sexual conduct in the room.

Caller: She is single.

Master Jun Hong Lu: That is alright then.

Caller: Can she hang it facing her feet or hang it above the headboard?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Neither is acceptable. She can only hang it alongside the bed.




Master Jun Hong Lu’s Public Talk, Sydney, Australia, 14 March 2010

All substances in the world can be divided into the attributes of Yin (negative) and Yang (positive). Things that can be shown to others have a Yang attribute, while those that should be put out of sight have a Yin attribute. Money should be kept hidden as it has the Yin attribute. As soon as your money is being exposed, you would encounter bad luck in which, for example, your money is being robbed or cheated out of by others. So bear this in mind: Things with the Yin attribute, like children’s diapers and shorts, should be kept discreetly out of sight as far as possible. 


wenda20141205 00:55  (Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)

Caller: Hello Master Lu! Gratitude to Master, Gratitude to Guan Yin Bodhisattva! We will usually place a shoe cabinet at the entrance of the house during renovation. Does this have a negative effect on the energy field of the house?

Master Jun Hong Lu: There shouldn’t be any negative effects, as long as you put the shoes into the shoe cabinet. Some shoes that are not often worn are best wrapped properly before keeping them in a storage cabinet, while a dedicated shoe cabinet should be placed at the entrance.

Remember, don’t be lazy, don’t just leave the shoes lying around at the entrance. The entrance is very important. If you smell a foul stench as soon as you walk into the house, then things will not go smoothly for you. So it is best to put the shoes that you often wear into the shoe cabinet, or at least into a box if you do not have a proper shoe cabinet.

This is especially so for shoes with strong odour, which should be kept out of sight.

Caller: I understand now. So it is fine to place the shoe cabinet at the entrance, right?

Master Jun Hong Lu: That’s right. Because in the past, shoes were said to have evil influences, as both ‘shoes’ and ‘evil’ share the same pronunciation in Chinese (pinyin: xié 邪). Therefore, it is necessary to conceal the ‘evil influences’ of the shoes since it represents a form of negative energy.

Caller: I understand now, thank you Master for your advice. 


Wenda20190324 08:35  [Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program]

Caller:  Master Lu, since the energy field at the shoe rack is not good, can we place some water and potted plant on top of the shoe rack to improve it?

Master Jun Hong Lu:  Yes, you may place water or potted plants.

Caller:  Does placing of landscape painting of water and mountains work the same?

Master Jun Hong Lu:  Yes, all these will help to improve the energy field.


Wenda20180930A  19:05 (Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)

Caller: Master, you were just talking about the Buddhist altar; regarding the altar, one of our Buddhist practitioners shared his thoughts that, “Master once said that the best feng shui in the home comes from the altar, where the entire space is illuminated by the light of the Buddha when Bodhisattva comes.  

The altar is formed from the five elements:

‘metal’ is the light of the Buddha, which is golden-coloured, and the altar is also furnished with a golden cloth;

the altar is constructed from ‘wood’;

‘water’ is represented in the water offering cup, and the altar’s landscape painting also contains the image of flowing water;

“fire” comes from the lighting of the oil lamp, and also from the shining sun;

“earth” is the contact of the wooden altar with the ground, with the earth.

Therefore, it symbolises a complete balance of the five elements of ‘metal, wood, water, fire, and earth’. Is this understanding correct?

Master Jun Hong Lu: This person is quite wise, this is a tremendous understanding. Actually, when an altar is set up in the home, it becomes a harmonious combination of the Yin-Yang, and of the five elements. Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth – the Bodhisattva represents metal, and when burning incense, just think about it, is there not fire contained within the burning incense? 

What about earth?Flowers grow in the earth, and when you make offerings of flowers at the altar, you are actually bringing something from the earth; although you shouldn’t make an offering of actual soil, flowers are still rooted in soil, in the earth.

It is also correct that the base of the altar is in contact with the earth, because cement also contains soil. 

Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth make up the five elements and the Yin-Yang, and although many people place these five elements inside of their homes, they are often not in balance and harmony. What is harmony? The changing of water, the lighting of the oil lamp, the burning of incense, these all involve a balance of the five elements, and will bring good luck to your home. If you are not burning incense or changing water at your altar, will the five elements be able to work in balance?

Remember that in Chinese, the five elements were named after ‘movement’ (行), which points toward flowing water, where flowing water represents the movement of wealth. 

Caller: Master, where do offerings of fruit lie within the five elements?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Fruit also belongs in the category of water; in Chinese, does the word for fruit (水果) not contain the character for ‘water’ (水) within it? Fruit belongs to the element of water. 


Words of wisdom by Master Lu at Canada Vancouver Park – 20140928

If you have too much white in your home, for example white-painted walls, white celling, furniture, bricks,  etc., bad things will slowly turn out. Conversely, if your home is too dark, everything is dark in colour such as rose wood furniture, dark-coloured wall, cabinets, etc. then bad things will happen even much faster.

In actual fact, the best colour is golden yellow; of all colours gold is the best, pure white  is considered yin in nature. Fluorescent lights has two types of colours, the lukewarm colour and the other is cool colour, the latter belongs to yin.

If there are two women in the house, then you need to have lukewarm colour. But if there are two men in your house, then you need to light up with incandescent lights.

Therefore our homes should have the colours of the yin and yang to maintain harmony. White fluorescent light belongs to yin and the red bulb belongs to  yang (as it is warm). 


Wenda20111204  01:21:28  (Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)

Caller: In a normal house, like our Guan Yin Citta Practice Centre, Master has mentioned using lights to achieve yin yang harmony, what is the proportions of the colours of lights?

Master Jun Hong Lu: The ratio would be best if the warm lights are more than the white one. For example, the ratio of 3:2 or 5:4. If all warm lights are used, then it is too hot, people in the house will get angry resulting in a quarrel easily.

On the other hand, it will generate too much Yin energy if the house is decorated with all white lights. Therefore it is important to strike a balance in the yin and yang energy.


Buddhism: Your Question Answered – Q52

Q&A 52. Enhancing Yang energy in the home



< What is the Best Method to improve Feng Shui >


World Buddhist Fellowship Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan, 4 October 2016

The most important factor when dealing with feng shui is human, not how items are arranged. A person who has kind thoughts will have good feng shui. A person who only speaks kind words to others such as ‘Congratulations! May you have good fortune!’ will make others happy and receive their smiles. In turn, you will also reap the rewards – a positive energy field.

In addition, if you perform many good deeds such as helping others, you will receive help from others too. Don’t you think receiving help from benefactors is good feng shui? Even your expressions are a form of feng shui. When you smile, that is good feng shui; when you frown, that is bad feng shui. 

Remember this: when the foundations of feng shui are explained through  Buddhism, it may be encapsulated in a phrase – All dharmas arise from the mind (心生万法). It is very simple.

If the thoughts that arise from your mind are positive, you will feel joyous and free from afflictions, and your feng shui will be good.If the thoughts that arise from your mind are negative, your emotions will also be negative, feeling depressive or vexed. Hence, your fengshui will change.

Let me offer some advice: to observe the highest degree of change in feng shui in the work or domestic sphere, simply place a Buddhist scripture recitation player and play it at a soft volume throughout the day. This will be able to change the feng shui! 

Another method to change feng shui is to send our heart out. Where should you send it to? To the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss! The home of Guan Yin Bodhisattva.

If you frequently recite the sacred name of Guan Yin Bodhisattva, that is the supreme form of good feng shui! 



A Feng Shui Paradise 


The moral of the story:

A kind person will be blessed and helped by the Buddha and Bodhisattva. And he will have the opportunity to live in a feng shui paradise (风水宝地). With a compassionate heart, the feng shui will be transformed for the better. A person who shares happiness with others, will always be blessed with good fortune.





Wenda20190322 46:50 (Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program) (An Excerpt) 

Caller: Everyone talks about the five elements. Is there any significance for people who have more Earth? How to achieve a balance through choosing names?

Master Jun Hong Lu: People always say that the five elements are very powerful. In fact, the five elements, or the Yin-Yang and the five elements, all boil down to the generating and overcoming interactions (相生和相克) among the elements. 

In the past, an individual’s fate was determined by the element that has the stronger presence, for example, a stronger wood, earth or water element. It was also said that one overcomes another.  

Generally speaking, the Yin-Yang and the five elements include water, fire, metal, wood and earth, of which:

• Water represents the overall luck, just as the commonly talked about luck of a particular year (流年运气), which is moving, like the attribute of water;
• Fire symbolises warmth and upward movement;
• Metal represents restraint;
• Wood denotes extension;
• Earth represents neutralisation.

The most fundamental concept of the generating and overcoming interactions of the Yin-Yang and the five elements is: 

Wood generates fire (木生火) – if you have a stronger wood element, when you partner with someone who has a stronger fire element, both of you will make a perfect pair in doing business. 

Fire generates earth (火生土) – if you carry a stronger fire element, your fate will be exceptionally good if you are with someone who has a stronger earth element.

Earth generates metal (土生金) – If you are a person with a stronger earth element, and your fate and destiny have not been good, then you may choose to wear gold jewellery more often, or accessories that are gold or yellow in colour, because ‘earth bears metal’, and you will soon witness a change in your destiny. 

The same principle also applies to the case of metal generates water (金生水) and water nourishes wood (水生木).

Caller: I understand now. A colleague of mine who seems to have knowledge of this aspect mentioned before that, a person with an extremely strong water element (大水命) will not be framed or harmed by others. Is it really so?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes. Water will drown people. Anyone who has an extremely strong presence of water, wood, earth, metal or fire element, is considered to be born with a tough character (命硬). 

The overcoming interactions among the five elements include: metal penetrates wood (金克木), wood separates earth (木克土), earth absorbs water (土克水), water quenches fire (水克火)… 



< The Metaphysics of the Five Elements and our Body >  


Wood corresponds to our liver. If a person lacks in the wood element, he will suffer from liver problems. The liver represents our “spirit”(魂). If one suffers from liver problems, our “spirit” (魂魄) will not be complete. A person who is feeble-minded and has problem in concentration will not have a healthy liver. The liver also associates to the emotion of anger.

As such, a person with liver problems will lose his temper easily. Conversely, a person with a healthy liver is sure to be righteous, kind and compassionate. To overcome the deficiency in the wood element, one should come into frequent contact with wood, such as using wooden furniture at home and refraining from using furniture made from metal or glass. 




Fire corresponds to our heart. This is whypeople attribute the rising of temper to the heart. If the fire in one’s heart blazes too strongly, one will lose his temper easily. If one aligns very strongly with fire, the person should NOT have characters relating to the sun (日) in their names but have character relating to water (水) instead.

Additionally, these fiery people should not have characters relating to fire in their names such as the chinese character “炎” which comprises of two fire characters. Doing so will symbolically “burn the person alive” as such people will surely have heart disorders.

If a person lacks of water because fire is too fiery, then he has to drink more water. The heart is associated with the behavior; a kind-hearted good manner. It is also associated with the emotions of happiness and joyful. 

He is not annoyed even if someone scolded him, and he will always maintain a happy mood. Conversely, an evil person will always be unhappy.

If a person lacks  the fire element, and things have not been going smoothly for him lately, then it is better to wear clothing which are red in color.

To boost the energy level, it is advisable to have more sun shines.



The earth corresponds to the spleen. One who has spleen disorders is lacking in the earth element. The spleen is associated with the ability to control our mind. As such, a person whose thoughts are constantly scattered generally does not have a healthy spleen. In addition, the spleen governs cognition. Hence, those with healthy spleens are quick-witted and can think flexibly.

If a person lacks in the earth element, it is better to have:

1. More soil, plants and flowers in the house.

2. More contact with the ground by taking strolls and travelling for sight-seeing.

3. Characters relating to the earth in their names such as “佳” (which has two earth characters). 




Metal corresponds to the lungs.

A person who has a weak lungs is lacking in the metal element. To improve his lung condition, it is advisable to wear gold ornaments, and also to include the character 鑫 in his name. People with weak lungs will not have a strong vigour which will manifest in the form of sleepiness.

Lungs are associated with grief (sadness). If one is extremely broken-hearted, they tend to cough up blood, isn’t it? When Liang Shan Bo (from the Butterfly Lovers) was in distress, he  developed lung problem. Lungs are also associated with brotherhood. People with good lungs are sure to prioritise brotherhood. After all, when they beat their chest in a gesture, aren’t they beating their lungs? 



Water corresponds with our kidneys and is the organ that controls our urination.

If one lacks water element in life, their kidneys will not be healthy and they may be suffering from urinary problems. As such, those with kidney problems should drink more water.

The kidneys corresponds with one’s willpower. Hence, a person with kidney issue, lacks this strength of will. They often feel dejected and have problem making decisions too. In addition, due to the lack of water and also the water is stagnant, it is also difficult to arouse any interest in them. 




< How to regulate and balance the Five Elements > 


Wenda20180506A  01:00  (Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program) 

Caller: If the fortune-teller mentioned that a person lacks of the metal element, does this person need to wear some metal ornaments, will it be better for his fortune?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes. For example, if you lack metal in the five elements, then you will put some metal ornaments in your home.

If you wear some gold accessories on your body, you will counteract. People say,“generate or complement” and “overcome or contradict”. Generally you can wear white and gold.

Caller: Platinum is also alright, is it ?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes. Crystal bracelets are also fine.

Caller: Crystals are also fine?

Master Jun Hong Lu: But I don’t advocate people to wear these, generally you just have to recite the Buddhist scriptures.  Sometimes at home, the bracelet can be placed outside.

There are certain industries that are suitable for people who lack metal. For example, the optometry, jewellery, and hardware industries.

Caller: What about the financial industry?

Master Jun Hong Lu: It’s fine.

Caller: Thank you, Master. 


Shuohua20180727 05:31 (Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)

Caller: Master Lu, in addition to drinking more water, what are the things to note for people who lack Water in the Five Elements?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Take more shower.

Caller: So shower more frequently?

Master Jun Hong Lu: The lack of the water element indicates that the person is extremely dry.  So sometimes, when things are not going his way, he will be alright once he sees the sea.

A person who lacks the water element also tends to commit suicide, but when he is at the seaside looking at the scenery, he will suddenly feel that the world is still very beautiful.

Caller: I got it now.


wenda20140530  53:07 (Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)

Caller: It is often said that one lacks some of the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth. Is it true that a person will always lack one or more of these elements, regardless of the era, year, or day they were born?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Of course.

Caller: That is to say, no one is perfect, everyone will surely have deficiency in certain elements.

Master Jun Hong Lu: That’s right, nobody is perfect.

Caller: How can we determine which element we are deficient of?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Generally, it is through metaphysical calculations.

Caller: What if we do not know how to calculate?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Then judge by yourself. What you particularly like is usually what you lack of. For example, if you are fond of money, then you lack the gold element.

Caller: Everyone likes gold.

Master Jun Hong Lu: No, some people are not particular about money. Some like to buy wooden furniture, then they lack the wood element. Some like to buy metal stuff which means they lack the metal element.

Caller: Okay, thank you Master, and gratitude to Guan Yin Bodhisattva.

Master Jun Hong Lu: Alright, goodbye.  


Wenda20160306B  21:49 (Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)

Caller:  Master, as a Buddhist practitioner, how do we regulate and balance our “Yin Yang” Energy and the “Five Elements”?

Master Jun Hong Lu:  Practising Buddhism is in fact regulating one’s “Yin Yang” Energy and the “Five Elements”. For example, you used to be bad-tempered before practising Buddhism.  Now that you have started to practise Buddhism and learnt to cultivate your mind, you know that you need to control your temperament.

As such, you no longer argue or fight but speak politely to the others. Thus, you have become more tolerant and broad-minded. You have regulated these elements as a result. PractisingBuddhism is the best way to regulate one’s “Yin Yang” Energy and the Five Elements.  Having the best “feng shui” is still not as effective as reciting Buddhist sutras and mantras.

Caller: The Five Elements are metal, wood, water, fire and earth.  Some people may have more of certain elements than the other (e.g., some have more elements of ‘earth’ whereas some have more elements of ‘water’).

Is it right to say that, through practisingBuddhism and reciting sutras and mantras, one is able to regulate these elements?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Correct.  With the power of Bodhisattva, one is able to resolve the imbalance among these elements.  Placing a piece of wood or putting a bucket of water at home etc., can only balance these elements temporarily but it cannot solve the problem once and for all.  Reciting Buddhist sutras and mantras, on the other hand, is a way to truly solve the problem.

Caller: Master Lu, in the same context, some people lack the water element, while others lack the wood or the metal element.  Are they able to enhance these elements by reciting Buddhist sutras and mantras?

Master Jun Hong Lu: That’s right.  Let’s use someone who lacks the metal element as an example.  If he doesn’t practise Buddhism, he might adorn himself with gold decorations as a solution.  This could help but the effect is very limited. For a Buddhist practitioner, reciting sutras and mantras is like blessing yourself with the golden glitter of Bodhisattva. By doing so, do you think the person still lacks the metal element?  (No, not anymore.)



The taboo for house Fengshui


Essence of Master Lu’s discourse:

The taboo for a house’s feng shui is to place figurine statues and sculptures, and also photos of a deceased person.
The placement of the Buddhist altar is important, it must not be placed on top of the television.
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