Buddhism in Plain Terms

“Cleverness is not Wisdom” – The Third Poison in Buddhism: Ignorance (Part 2)

< Buddhism in Plain Terms < 白话佛法共修分享    

Time : Saturday 2pm-4.15pm
Platform : ZOOM Cloud Meeting
Topic of Discussion : “Cleverness is not Wisdom” – The Third Poison in Buddhism: Ignorance (Part 2)

On 17 April 2021, Guan Yin Citta, Singapore held another online English Group Study, which was a continuation of the previous session on Ignorance – the third Poison in Buddhism. The session delved into the true meaning of Bodhisattva’s wisdom and ways to overcome Ignorance.

The facilitator kicked off the session by outlining major differences between worldly intelligence and Buddha’s wisdom. Broadly speaking, Human intelligence is narrow in perspective and selfish in nature, as humans are covetous of marginal gains and losses. On the contrary, Bodhisattva’s wisdom is boundless and selfless as Bodhisattva is greatly merciful and greatly compassionate.

To breakthrough Ignorance, a slew of approaches were recommended, of which the key ones are as follow:

  • Understand the law of cause and effect.
  • Eliminate karmic obstacles through sincere repentance, recitation of the Heart Sutra and studying of the Buddhism in Plain Terms.
  • Let the Buddha be our guide. Master Lu reminded us, “Fill yourself with an everlasting positive energy by embracing the line of thought of Bodhisattva.”
  • Practise the Three Disciplines of Buddhism (Precepts, Meditative Concentration, Wisdom.)
  • Embrace Impermanence, perform Dharma Giving and do all good.


On 24 April – the facilitator will share with us the seven types of Arrogance, which is the fourth Poison in Buddhism, and methods to quell it.


? Let us now look at some comments from participants:

A sentence that impacted me was “when you can’t tell what’s right and wrong in the beginning, you should start by observing the precepts.” I’ve done a lot of unwholesome deeds and today’s session has helped me to discover them with encouragement from “You are not ignorant by acknowledging your ignorance.”


?Join us in our next session 

Please contact Loh SX (96978356) / Woan Yi SX (82182248) for more information


 ⏰ Date and time:
Saturday 24 Apr 2021 (2.oopm – 4.00pm)


Please click here to download the Summary Slides shared during the Group Study:

 Summary Slides_Ignorance Part 2




1. What are the differences between worldly intelligence (人间智慧) and Bodhisattva’s wisdom (菩萨智慧)?
2. How to overcome Ignorance?


< What is True Wisdom? – Prajna Wisdom of the Universal Sign | 般若总相智 >

• Wisdom refers to Buddha’s wisdom (如来智慧), not human wisdom (人间智慧).
• People with human wisdom are covetous of gains and losses (人间智慧计量利弊得失) – selfish.
• Buddha’s wisdom is greatly merciful and greatly compassionate – selfless.
• ‘Prajna wisdom of all knowledge’ (般若一切智) – a total form of knowledge, able to know and understand each person’s habits and their personalities.
• A truly wise person is able to apply wisdom to any matter.



< How to Overcome Ignorance? >

1. Understand the Law of Cause & Effect

Buddhism in Plain Terms (Episode 9)

Bodhisattvas fear ‘causes’ while sentient beings fear ‘consequences’ (菩萨畏因,众生畏果). Bodhisattvas always think of the consequences in advance before doing anything. “This thing mustn’t be done because it might result in bad consequences.” Bodhisattvas fear creating causes.

How about sentient beings? They would recklessly take actions without thinking of the consequences when they see some benefits. They have little idea about what to do when the consequences arrive.

That’s why Bodhisattvas fear causes while sentient beings fear consequences. Sentient beings lack wisdom. Bodhisattvas will never do any misdeeds however small they may be.

Bodhisattvas will not commit a wrongdoing no matter how minor it is. Do not take lightly the small misdeeds, thinking that they can do no harm. Bodhisattvas will never commit acts of evil. Meanwhile, Bodhisattvas do not take lightly the little acts of kindness. “This is only a small good deed, it is not a major merit, it is not worth doing.”

This is your way of thinking: ”I’m not mopping the floor. I want to either bow to Buddhas or offer fruits on the altar”, “I would do major merits only”, “I want to volunteer at major Buddhist events”. But that’s not how it works.


2. Through the Elimination of Karmic Obstacles

Master Jun Hong Lu’s Discourse (Question 426) 28 December 2020

Guan Di Bodhisattva:

“It is difficult for one to gain wisdom until such time that their karmic obstacles are eliminated (业障不消,智慧难开). When Buddhist practitioners do not eliminate their karmic obstacles, they will encounter a lot of hardships in their journey of mind cultivation. Therefore, it is imperative for one to perform more recitations in order to gain wisdom. A lot of people have foreign spirits on their bodies, hindering their efforts to eliminate karmic obstacles.”

“If they do not perform recitation, how would they be able to recover from their ailments and illnesses? How could their careers be successful?

In this Age of Dharma Decline (末法时期),  despite lacking in wisdom, you refuse to read your Master’s discourses and Buddhism in Plain Terms. In this respect, how is it possible for you to even illuminate your spiritual self (心灵要怎么光明), let alone liberating yourself?!” 


2. Through the Elimination of Karmic Obstacles
a. Repent instead of Regret

An Excerpt from Buddhism in Plain Terms Episode 7

Master Jun Hong Lu: How should a person cleanse themselves of greed, hatred and delusion?

The best way is to recite the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance.

“For all the evil deeds I have done in the past, based on beginningless greed, anger, and delusion and created by body, speech and mind, I now know shame and repent of them all.”

“ 我昔所造诸恶业,皆由无始贪瞋痴。从身语意之所生,一切我今皆忏悔。”


The Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance


Buddhism in Plain Terms (Vol. 1) Chapter 29
Eliminate Deluded Thoughts with Sincere Repentance

“One lamp dispels the darkness of a thousand years” (千年暗室,一灯就破). The ignorance within our minds is indeed like a room that remains dark for a thousand years. However, with a single lamp, everything can become illuminated.

In Andersen’s Fairy Tales, there’s a story called The Little Match Girl. Every time she lights a match, she sees something in the past or in the future. Every time she lights a match, she sees things in the spirit world, or in Heaven. When the match burns out, her eyes fall upon darkness once again.

Therefore, what we require is not a match, and not even a box of matches. What we need is a permanent lamp that is lit by the Bodhisattvas. With the little energy that we possess, it cannot be lit by us.

Once you have created negative karma, you must sincerely repent. If you don’t, negative karma is like being confined to a room so dark that you can’t see anything. When you sincerely repent, it’s like turning on a lamp that purifies all the unwholesome deeds committed in your past. However, you must repent sincerely, and if you do, your mind will start to become pure.

After all, who has not done a single bad thing in their life? Who has not made a mistake? As long asyou’re a human, you will make mistakes – but that just means you must understand the importance of repentance. Without it, you will never find the right direction.


2. Through the Elimination of Karmic Obstacles
b. Recite the Heart Sutra

Wenda20110909 12:04 (Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)

Caller: How does the Heart Sutra help one gain wisdom? Has it to do with the quantity that one recites, or is it because Bodhisattva hears my recitation and blesses me as a result? Could it even be the words in the Buddhist scripture itself that have deepened my understanding?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Firstly, the Heart Sutra originates from Guan Yin Bodhisattva. It is hard for humans to thoroughly understand the scriptures of Bodhisattvas.

It is just like a university education – many things are not under our own control. For instance, a professor wishes to teach us a formula. For starters, you may not wish or need to learn its derivation, but as long as you apply the formula, you are able to solve all challenging problems.

Secondly, when you recite the Heart Sutra, your mind and that of Guan Yin Bodhisattva meld into one.

As you contemplate how Guan Yin Bodhisattva answers all prayers and possesses such immense energy, recitation of the Heart Sutra allows you to unravel the binds within your mind. In fact, your recitation allows you to have a spiritual resonance with Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s energy field. It is that sort of feeling. 

Caller: Does it mean that Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s blessings enable one to gain wisdom faster?

Master Jun Hong Lu: That’s for sure! Why is it that people wish to find a master? A university textbook can be easily obtained, but if you do not receive lectures and tutorials from a professor, will you be able to graduate?



2. Through the Elimination of Karmic Obstacles
c. Study Buddhism in Plain Terms

Wenda20181116 52:07 (Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)

Caller: Master, please enlighten us on a simple way to overcome ignorance.

Master Jun Hong Lu:

Listen more and talk less; think more and act less;
be vigilant and careful when dealing with people and refrain from being arrogant and anxious;
learn from and listen more to others; befriend virtuous people (善知识).

That way, you will surely overcome ignorance. Would you commit foolish acts if you were around me everyday?

Caller: No.

Master Jun Hong Lu: Some people can still make foolish mistakes even with me around, however, I am able to stop them from continuing immediately.

Caller: I understand now. For those who are not by the side of Master…

Master Jun Hong Lu: Study Buddhism in Plain Terms. The energy in it is from the Bodhisattva. The Bodhisattva has told us that we will be blessed by the Dharma protectors each time we study Buddhism in Plain Terms.


3. Perform the Giving of Dharma

Buddhism in Plain Terms Episode 33 (An Excerpt)

By sowing the seeds of Dharma Giving and helping sentient beings to become spiritually awakened (救度众生), you will reap the fruit of wisdom. Why are there some smart and wise people out there? It all comes down to the Giving of Dharma that they have performed. By helping others or performing the Giving of Dharma, don’t you think your wisdom will grow accordingly?

For someone who makes it a point to help others, don’t you think he is a wise man? How could he possibly have extended help to others if he lacks wisdom himself? Where does his wisdom come from? It is through his constant and persistent efforts in helping others from which he gains insights and experiences, benefitting himself and increasing his wisdom.
This in turn enables him to help even more people.



< Story: 3 Men Crossing the Bridge | 3个人过桥:不要瞻前顾后、自作聪明 >

The moral of the story:

We should neither be hesitant, nor should we overestimate our own abilities, thinking we know everything.



4. Embrace Impermanence (无常) 

Wenda20170915 27:07 (Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)

Caller: How do we determine a person’s level of perception? What are the characteristics of a person with high-level perception?

Master Jun Hong Lu: What are the characteristics of a person with high-level perception (悟性高的人)? These people do not take things to heart, whatever they see. When they come to know something, they try to understand it, but avoid any form of fight or argument about it, as they are fully aware of the impermanence of this world (把这个世界看成无常的). 

Don’t you think such a person would have high-level perception? To put it plainly, these people will not quarrel or compete with others, because they have broken away from the nonsense and annoyances of this world (已经摆脱人间的烦恼了).


5. Let the Buddha be your guide (心正佛做主) 

Wenda20180603A 06:51 (Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)

Master Jun Hong Lu: Like how I always tell you, the most important thing that a Buddhist practitioner should learn is to never allow yourself to be ‘entangled’ (不要把自己缠住). Things can be right and wrong in this world. A person who gets entangled in the web of right and wrong, is clearly someone who fails to cherish the brief life he lives in this world. That is why he continues to compete against others.

Think about how short your life is! You will have to be broad-minded, just like the sea. To achieve this, you will have to accord with conditions. The right and wrong in this world will only increase your afflictions, not wisdom.

How do we overcome ignorance? You have tobe righteous. Like I always tell you, ‘With the right mindset, you let the Buddha be your guide; with a deviant mindset, you let the demons become your guide’. 

How do we achieve a righteous mind then? You will have to fill yourself up with an everlasting positive energy. To do this you will have to have the line of thought of Bodhisattva, e.g., treat everyone with compassion.


6. Perform Only the Good (众善奉行名为慧)

Master Jun Hong Lu’s Discourse (An Excerpt)
Sydney Guan Yin Hall 24 February 2021

Wisdom is when you perform only the good (众善奉行名为慧). Today if you perform only the good deeds, you will naturally gain wisdom. When you help others each and every day, in every situation, won’t you possess wisdom? Why? Let me ask you, when you help others, don’t you think others will reciprocate in kind? That’s for sure. This is called ‘Wisdom’. 



< Which method is more effective in gaining wisdom? >


7. Observe ‘Precepts, Meditative Concentration and Wisdom’
a. Observe Precepts (戒)

Wenda20190203B   05:59  (Master Jun Hong Lu call-in radio program) – An Excerpt

Caller: Master, how many types of ignorance that a person needs to eradicate?

Master Jun Hong Lu: What do you think? The bad habits of a person are innumerable! 84,000! That is why we say there are 84,000 Dharma methods to help them. 

Caller: In our daily life, there are those who consume the meat of sentient beings, while Buddhist practitioners make vows to practise full vegetarianism in their effort to observe the precepts. This itself eradicates the ignorance of eating meat. The monastics for e.g. have toobserve more than 300 precepts. May I ask, is it through observing one particular precept that we are able to eradicate one particular type of ignorance?

Master Jun Hong Lu: That is right. The more precepts you are able to observe, the more types of ignorance you are able to eradicate.

Caller: That’s why Master Lu keeps telling us that the stricter we are in our keeping to the precepts, the easier it is for us to break through ignorance and be enlightened.

Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes. You have to rely on your effort in keeping the precepts in order to break through ignorance. When you can’t tell what’s right and wrong in the beginning, you should start by observing the precepts. This is because at this time, greed, hatred and ignorance in you have obscured your pure inherent nature, resulting in your inability to discern and giving rise to a biased mind.


7. Observe ‘Precepts, Meditative Concentration and Wisdom’
a. Observe Meditative Concentration (定/禅定)

Master Jun Hong Lu’s Public Talk – Jakarta, Indonesia, 21 April 2017

Master Jun Hong Lu: The world is in an ever-changing state. As we grow, we have changed to become different from our past selves. In this human realm of impermanence, we are deluded by our attachments to the gains and losses we experience; we live in a world fabricated by continuous and interconnected series of delusive circumstances and reactivity of our deluded mind (妄境和妄心互相转换). Our true mind is obscured and we revolve around whatever our circumstances present us. 

Here’s a word of advice: We have to keep an unmoved heart, regardless of how our circumstances may change. No matter how greed, anger, ignorance, pride and doubt may seem to have engulfed this world, our mind should always remain in a state that is unmoved (如如不动).


i. Contemplate Karmic Conditions (因缘观)

Buddhism in Plain Terms (Radio Program) Vol. 2 Chapter 2

The ignorant should contemplate karmic conditions (愚痴众生因缘观). When you are clueless to the many things in life, and all you know is to pray for more, you should attempt to understand the law of cause and effect of the three periods of time (past, present and future) (三世因果), and the workings of karmic conditions. You must be aware that our life revolves around karmic conditions (人是靠因缘而活的). Be it our past or present life, it is all about karmic affinities or karmic conditions.

Therefore, it is important for us to practise this contemplation. Even if you are ignorant, if you practise contemplation of karmic conditions, you will realise right away that, “It’s clear that I lack the affinity required for this position. Since I am not qualified for it, I’ll let someone else fill the position. After all, I simply do not have the energy and capacity to take on the role.” This is how you overcome ignorance through this contemplation. 


ii. Cultivate Compassion 

Wenda20180624B 05:54 (Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)

Caller: With regards to compassion and harmonious wisdom  (圆融智慧), is it possible that a person who is compassionate to be fully equipped with harmonious wisdom?

Master Jun Hong Lu: It is not necessarily the case. Being compassionate can either be on a fundamental level or a profound one, where the latter is equivalent of great mercy and great compassion (大慈大悲). What is the meaning of harmonious wisdom? It is something that is attained through spiritual cultivation.

Being compassionate is the basis for attaining a stage of ‘harmonious wisdom’. Without this foundation, how would one be flexible and accommodating? For instance, there are varying degrees of compassion, including minute displays of it (小慈小悲). Do you think that someone with such a degree of compassion is equipped with harmonious wisdom?

Caller: No.

Master Jun Hong Lu: Let’s say that someone is sick and you offered him some medicine that is expiring soon. Arguably, your intention was to help; but do you think that such a minute display of compassion is an accurate representation of harmonious wisdom in you? If you are a person who is equipped with great mercy and compassion, you would surely offer the best medicine possible to them. When others get cured, so would your spiritual heart.

Caller: Yes, Master Lu.  


7. Observe ‘Precepts, Meditative Concentration and Wisdom’
c. Observe Wisdom (慧) 

Buddhism in Plain Terms (Vol. 7) Chapter 3

When ignorance has gained an upper hand, one can overcome it with wisdom (愚来智度). Nowadays, properties in Gold Coast are highly sought after and there is a saying floating around claiming that all that it takes is just AUD50 per week for one to own a house. Isn’t this sheer foolishness? How could you possibly be able to afford a property with just AUD50?

Think about it, wouldn’t you be a fool to even believe it? Think wisely, how could AUD50 secure you a house? That’s simply impossible. Just take it as a joke and let others have it if they wish. By doing so, ignorance will not have an upper hand over you. 


8. Form positive connections (广结善缘) 

Wenda20190324 16:56 (Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)

Caller: In volume one, chapter 32 of Buddhism in Plain Terms, Master mentioned that spiritual cultivation is not simply about cultivating itself, but would also require us to forge positive affinities with others extensively (广泛结缘). Lacking in such affinities would impede our progression in spiritual cultivation. Could Master explain the above sentences to us?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Do you think that spiritual cultivation is solely about self-cultivation? Don’t you think that your practice ought to include helping others too? Without forming affinities with sentient beings, how will you be able to acquire positive affinities? How will you be able to receive help from others? How will you be able to meet benefactors (贵人)? 

You will only meet benefactors if you gain the love of others through helping sentient beings. That is when others will wish to treat you well, help you and repay you for your kindness. These are the manifestations of your positive affinities (善缘).


9. Respect the Master and Revere His Teachings (尊师重道) 

Buddhism in Plain Terms Episode 112 (An Excerpt)

How can we be free from ignorance and let go of our attachments? To transcend the six realms of rebirth requires us to be spiritually awakened and see our true nature. What does this mean? It means thoroughly eliminating all traces of ignorance (打破无明) and being able to gain wisdom and see one’s true nature. How should we go about doing so? Through diligent learning, respecting the master and revering his teachings (好好学,尊师重道).

After all, since you have a master, why don’t you learn as much as possible from him? Now that you are practising Buddhism, why don’t you learn and abide by the Buddhist teachings? Why have the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha (佛法僧) been collectively termed as the Triple Gems (三宝)? This should tell us that we should never let ourselves be entangled by ignorance (不让无明缠扰着自己).

For instance, a well-rounded doctor who is well versed with every speciality would definitely beable to save more people. If you are ignorant of many things around you, you are akin to a doctor who has never even heard of an illness or disease, how will you be able to help sentient beings? You are entangled in the web of ignorance. 


While we may be unable to see the Buddha, we know that the Buddha is in our heart, guiding us along and helping us every single day. Not able to see Buddha with our naked eyes does not mean that the Buddha is not by our side. Neither does it mean that the Buddha is absent from our heart.

The moment we gain a true understanding of our minds and see our true nature (明心见性), we will be able to see the Buddha. The same logic applies when our mind iscultivated, pure, absolutely free from defilement and kind, over time, we will be able to see the Buddha within our mind as and when we desire.

Hence, if you often connect yourself with the Buddhist teachings, listen to Buddhist songs, put Buddhism into practice, hear the voice of the dharma, and internalise and contemplate Buddhist tenets (内心意念去思维佛法的道理), you are someone, who is actively walking the Buddha-path (常行佛道). For that, you can be said to be forging ahead diligently in your Buddhism cultivation journey. 



< The Root of Suffering > 

• The way of the wise – learn to let go and to be contented.
• If you blindly pursue something that doesn’t belong to you, you will not only lose your sense of self (迷失自我), but also commit wrongdoings and hurt innocent people along the way.
• Give up excessive desires and let go of unnecessary obsessions (执着).
• Those who can let go are those who are enlightened.
< Buddhism in Plain Terms < 白话佛法共修分享